Be Brave Tris

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Tobias POV~

It felt like 8 months flew by so quickly. Tris didn't care what anyone said and she would always walk around the compound. Ava, Zeke's daughter is 8 months old and she is crawling already. She has black hair and Zeke's eyes. However, she has Shauna's personality.

"Tobias." Tris called from the living room.

I walk in and see what she wants.

"Hmm?" I ask and sit down by her.

"Christina is due in two days." She smiles.

"God so many BABIES!" I slide down into the couch.

She laughs and says, "We should start decorating the nursery."

I help her up since she isn't strong enough to carry the weight. Before she was super light but the baby made her 20 pounds heavier. Although, Tris will loose weight sooner or later. I don't care, I love her anyway she wants to be.

"The crib is set up. Now we just need to add bedding and decor." Tris states.

After that I get to work.

Tris POV~

Baby Tenley will be here soon. Her nursery is a lavender purple. She has white furniture and a small circular mirror is above her crib. She has white curtains and a mini chandelier. A white branch is around the mirror and has two birds on top. There's a purple carpet and toys in a brown box.

"It looks lovely." I stare at it.

"Took long enough." Tobias sighs.

That's when I felt a big kick in my stomach. I thought it was normal so I didn't say anything. Then an excoriating pain went through my stomach and my water broke.

"Tobias! Get the stuff and infirmary now!" I shout.

He whips his head back at me and runs to get the bag. I kind of laughed cause he thought I was dying of pain but I really wasn't. It hurt yeah but I know it's just Tenley. It's not a bad pain but more like a loving pain.

"Got everything." He helps me walk. And soon baby Tenley will be born.

~~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~~~~

Tris POV~

I got into the stupid gown that I had to wear. I'm laying in bed and needles were hooked up into my arm. Tenley is 1 week early but is 8 months which isn't bad.

"Time to push Mrs. Eaton." My doctor, Dr. Lynn comes in with a smile.

"Okay." Now I'm scared.

We were all set up and Tobias was by my side. I held his hand and pushed. This was the most difficult thing to do in my life. I thought about all the hell I was put through and being rewarded with a miracle. I pushed three times with all my might. Tears were in my eyes.

"One more. Be brave Tris." Tobias kisses me forehead.

I pushed one last time and that's when I heard her. Tenley Eaton, born October, 4th at 10:46 AM.

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