I Am Divergent

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Tobias POV~

"Daddy! I'm going out with Chase and Ava." Tenley walks in.

Her hair was straight and a dark blonde but kind of gold too. She was super skinny but has tons of muscle, must be from Tris.

I start to repeat the rules I tell her and Tanner, "Do not mess around with any equipment, do not steel or be super annoying in the store. Do not act like dumb asses and please-"

"And please do not jump off and fall into the chasm. Got it dad!" She winks, kisses my cheek and out she went.

My baby girl grew up so fast. It was like yesterday she was walking. Tris has been busy trying to plan with the other leaders of how she's going to protect the city of Caleb. She's been stressed ever since. Today after Ten gets home I'm taking her to see if she's divergent. Tanner will go with Tris.

"Dad." Tanner walks in with no shirt. He's got a smacking four pack, almost like his dad.

"Aye buddy! What's going on?" I sip my coffee.

"Girl trouble. It's either Dani's daughter, Mia or Uriah's daughter; Tori. " He pulls his face down.

"Yeah you need to see who has the bigger impact on you not the biggest boobs." I'm talking about Mia.

"Tori it is." He smirks and walks back into his room. That's my boy.

But then I remembered my rule, "You can't date until you're 18 mister!" I shout and run to his room.

Tris POV~

My job is to protect and keep the city under control but it's very complicated when my own brother is trying to kill everyone once again.

"Mrs. Eaton, what do you think? Compromise or attack?" Ricky, the leader of Amity asked.

"Caleb is not going to compromise. He strongly believes in what he wants and he always gets what he wants. However if we attack many people will die. Is it worth it?" I look over to the other leaders.

"Well I would think 10 people die rather than about 300,000 is a better situation. They want to protect don't they?" The candor leader, Jean snaps.

"They are still people. Abnegation can try to work out a way where we could talk this out." Susan says. She's the new leader of Abnegation.

"Like Mrs. Eaton said, Caleb would not talk this out. If anything we should bomb the outside. Dauntless could come up with a strategy and Erudite will figure out a way to make one." Liam suggested.

"What if the bombs are a threat to our own city?" I immediately blurt out.

"Very True Beatrice. We should only make one and burn the formula." Liam points out.

"Alright then I guess. Just don't put it in the computer. This will be our plan from now on." I declare and Caleb will be finished once and for all. We could erase the evil from his mind.

No! I could never do that. It's his mind and his body. He made the decisions and I will not take that back. He deserves to live with his choices.

I make my way down back to the apartment. That's when I noticed a note on our door.

"Beatrice oh my dear Beatrice. Do you think I don't know what's going on? You have a month to turn yourself in so we can test you and we won't kill anyone. If not, tick tock or the bomb will go off." -Caleb Prior.

My heart is beating out of my chest. The meeting did say we rather have one person than a million. I fumble with my keys and dropped them.

"Tris what's wrong?" Tobias opens the door and sees my shaky self.

I hand him the note and he skims it down. Once he's finished he pulled me straight into a big hug.

"You're not going to turn yourself in. I won't let you." He whispers.

"One person over a thousand more?" I breathe heavily holding back the tears and add, "What hurts more is that he was my brother!"

That's when I totally lost it. I bursted out crying and Tobias wiped my tears.

"Relax Tris. If anything we will escape or evacuate the city. We will do this together." He brought me inside.

"Our kids! This is all my fault!" I throw my head in my hands.

"Tris stop. We will protect them. Don't wreck yourself over this. Caleb maybe Erudite but you are Divergent." He kisses my cheek.

"Mom? What's going in?" Tenley walks in.

I shake my head and hug her.

"Be careful when you go out." I kiss her forehead and walk outside to look at the city.

I'm a warrior. I'm selfless and brave. No matter what, I will always protect my family. I came to far to give up already. I still have a rebellion to finish. My kids still have a long time to go. This isn't over yet.

But I'm just a girl, no a woman. Sometimes I'll break down but I'll get right back up. After all the f***ing pain and hell I went through I was rewarded with a lovely husband and children. A new family with friends. Therefore I'm not stopping here.

My name is Beatrice Prior and I will survive my rebellion. I am selfless, brave, honest, peaceful, and smart. I am....Divergent.


Can I just say how blessed I am to have finished this story and get so many readers? When I started this I had no clue if anyone would read it. But then it said 20 reads and I freaked! Guys there will be a sequel called, Allegiant Remix: Family Matters. I probably started a chapter or two anyways but I won't post it until I get 50k reads. I love you all so much and I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction❤️

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