Capture The Flag

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Tris POV~

"So how many weeks are you?" Lynn asks.

"5 I took a test and it was positive. I didn't want to tell Zeke." She smiled.

Shauna is pregnant and I'm so surprised. I never thought of Zeke as a dad. But I also think it's cute. They have been together for about three years now.

Tobias comes back with Uriah and Zeke. They sit down and Zeke whispers in Shaunas ear.

"Guys we have to go. Time to tell other people. See you at Capture the Flag!" Zeke shouts.

I look at Tobias and wonder what other people meant.

"Her parents don't really approve of Zeke. Now they have to drop this big bomb." Uriah explains.

"Hopefully there's no damage." Tobias winks and grabs my hand.

"Well we are gonna go take a nap until it's time to get up." I yawned.

"A nap or some making additions?" Christina wiggles her eyebrows.

"God not yet." Tobias laughs and so do I. Then we walk back to the apartment.


I turn the tv on and Tobias sits on the couch with a blanket.

"Which movie? Titanic... Or.... Mama?" I go to sit on his lap and he covers us with the blanket.

"Titanic is sad, we need scary." He kisses my cheek.

"Mama it is." I click the movie and we snuggle until we fall asleep.

My eyes open and look at the clock. 1:30 AM. Tobias is already up, probably wanted me to get some more sleep. I get up and brush my hair. I slip my combats on and wait for Tobias.

"Well you're up. Ready to win?" He yawns.

"Born ready. Our transfers can beat the dauntless borns." I brag.

We walk to the train and everyone is waiting. Then Hilary spots my hand and where my ring is.

"Oh six! Congrats on your engagement!" She smiles.

I thank her and give her a small smile. She knows better to ask me who and that's why she's my favorite.

"Tonight we are going to play capture the flag. Take your gun. Make a plan and get the flag. Borns against Transfers. Move out!" Tobias shouts.

Tobias POV~

I explain the basics of the game and we jump off the train. The group follows us and now it's time to make up a plan.

"Well first we need strong people on defense and fast/skilled people on offense." Henry states.

"We need to figure out who those people would be." Sarah adds.

"Okay so me, Mason, and Lillian can stay and guard." Clark suggests.

"Then we will have Ryan, me, Dani, Adam, Sarah, and Wendy will be offense." Henry explains.

Their plan sounds good yet how do they know where the flag is?

Tris POV~

"Plan sounds good. Now try to figure out where the flag is." Tobias says.

I smile remembering my idea.

"That's easy. A kid said it would be in the building where they zip line." Dani answers.

Now everyone sets out. The initiates start running and look out to see the opposite team. Tobias and I wait until one of the dauntless born comes out. One shot was fired and it became war.

A boy ran out and Hilary shot him in the leg. Then a girl shot Wendy but missed.

"You think we are gonna win?" Tobias asked.

"Oh I hope so." I smile.

I watch our team run up to the building. Dani, Adam, and Ryan shoot at the other team. Wendy, Sarah, and Hilary went to get the flag. Then I noticed... Where's Henry?

"We won!" Sarah shouts. The game is over but Henry is no where to be found.

"Oh. My. Gosh. FOUR! SIX! Get over here!" Mason shouts.

We run over and there was Henry. He was shot, with a real bullet. But there was something else. A note. Addressed to me.

"Dear Beatrice:

Hope you enjoyed your break. You have something I want. Meet me at the factionless head quarters or else this will happen again.


Anonymous "

I look at Tobias. And his face is blank. This isn't over yet.

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