One Fear Over

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Tobias POV~

Tears were in her eyes and my heart is beating out of my chest.

"Of course I will. Yes." She answered.

I slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her.

I grabbed the two glasses and poured champagne in the glass.

"To, us. For our sacrifices and a place of happiness."

"To us." And we clinked our glasses.

"Let's climb the Ferris wheel." Tris smirked.

"Must we?"

"We must!" She exclaims and grabs my hand.

Tris POV~

Tonight is the best night of my life. I spotted the Ferris wheel and I wanted to climb. So I insisted Tobias to come with me.

I slipped my shoes off and climbed. The wind blew and it felt good. My body was so relaxed and I enjoyed this moment. Then my foot slipped and Tobias caught my hip. How did I know this was coming?

"Oh Tris when will you learn?" Tobias chuckled and steadied me.

"Oh shut up." I laughed and kept going until the top.

I looked over and the city was glowing. The moon was shining and Tobias had me in his arms. I leaned into him and I felt safe.


(Three hours later, back at the apartment. Warning! This is where things get frisky. Don't want to read the "hot" parts then skip. It's weird to write but whatever.)

Tobias carried me in and set me on the bed. He kissed me and asked for entrance. I decided to tease him and smile.

"Trisssss" he whined.

I open and we both explore. Then I slip his jacket and shirt off. My fingers traveled up his back tracing the tattoos. He kissed my neck staying there below my ear. I played with his hair and he kissed my ravens tattoo.

Then I realized where this was going. Yet, I'm not nervous. I actually want this. I'll be turning 18 and I'm ready to get over this stupid fear. I pulled Tobias back to my face and kissed him. He pulled me up and unzipped the back of my dress.

The crisp air tickles my back. I kiss Tobias with passion. Showing him my love and affection. He's about to loose control in 3.. 2... 1.

He pulls away and whispers, "We don't have too."

"But I want too." I whisper and kiss him.

With that... Everything happened. We can be mended, we can mend each other. I choose him and his chooses me over and over again. Finally, I conquered my fear.

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