That Note

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Tris POV~

We rushed Henry to the infirmary. The rest of the initiates went to the dorms to sleep. I don't know who wrote that note and it's driving me insane. Jeanine is dead. Caleb is my brother, he wouldn't do that. Who wrote that note?

"Tris I think we should get some sleep." Tobias grabbed my hand and we walked to our apartment. We laid down on the bed and I snuggled with Tobias.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispers.

"The note. Who wrote it?" I asked.

"I have a good guess of Evelyn." He blurts out.

"But why? I did nothing to her?" My body goes numb.

"We are engaged. She probably doesn't want us to get married." He wonders.

"I just want this to be over." I sigh and Tobias pulls me close to him.

"It will be. We will meet her at the compound. I'm not losing you again." He kisses my forehead.

Tobias POV~

Tris fell asleep in my arms. I stroke her hair and think about that note. If Evelyn wrote that why would she try to hurt Henry? I'm not letting her hurt my Tris. I just got her back.

The next morning I wake up and my arms are around Tris' waist. I look at the clock and it's 10:30 AM. We get the day off today because it's ranking and family visiting day.

Tris POV~

My eyes flutter open and I hear the shower going. I crawl out of bed and go to the kitchen. I crack eggs and put them in the pan. All of a sudden I hear a slam in the hallway. I ran out the door and see Adam punching Hilary.

"What the hell?!" I shout.

"Six!" Hilary shouts.

"Leave us alone. I'm just teaching her a lesson" Adam yells.

I run and twist Adams arms. I kick him where it hurts the most and take him to cells. He is now going to be factionless.

Tobias POV~

I walk out and smell something burning. I guess tris tried to make breakfast but got distracted. Then she walks in.

"Adam tried beating Hilary. He's now going to his cell." She explains. Then she walks into the bathroom and takes a shower.

I grab two muffins and wait for her to come out. Today we are going to see who wrote that note.

My gut is telling me that this isn't going to be good.

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