Passionate and Selfess Girl

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Tobias POV~

Tris went out to work out with Christina. So now I'm babysitting with Uriah, Ten is playing with Luke. They are both three years old. Tanner is offcially one and Christina had another baby, Bryan. Both of them are already crawling. Tanner has golden brown hair and a goofy smile. He's my little man.

"Daddy! I want to see Ava!" Tenley walks over stomping her feet.

"Ava is at a party with her mom. Not today baby girl." I place her on my lap.

"Daddy, tell me the story of how you meet mommy." She yawns and curls up into my shoulder.

It was like it was yesterday. First day of training new initiates. I heard Eric yelling above me. Lauren was across me, making silly faces. All of a sudden, a small frail body fell from the sky. Her golden long hair flew up, and her body landed on the net.

"What, you get pushed?" I look straight into her eyes.

"No." She smiles.

I lifted up her weightless frame and set her down.

"Name?" I asked, getting lost in her natural beauty.

"Bea.. Be-" I cut her off.

"What? Too hard? You can pick a new one, pick good you won't get to change it." I dare her.

"My name is Tris." Her smile brights up the entire room."First jumper! Tris, Welcome to Dauntless." I smile.

"Tobias?" A hand touches my shoulder. I must have fell asleep since Uriah left and put Tanner in the swing.

"Oops." I find Ten in my arms.

"How about we hang out for a while?" She suggest.

"I'd love too." I smirk and lay Ten on the couch lightly.

Tris POV~

Tobias and I are lounging out on our bed. It's been awhile since we could relax together. He plays with my hair like he did before. I start think about how different it would have been if I had died from the bullet shot. How the world would have been? But thank god I survived.

"Babe?" I look up into his eyes.

"Yes beautiful?" He pulls me closer.

"Never leave me.." I start to tear up.

"I would never do that. I belong to you." He kisses my forehead.

"Still, I don't know why you chose me out of every other girl." I lean back up, sitting next to Tobias.

"I don't understand how you can't see how mesmerizing you really are. You don't give yourself much credit. You might see a dull, boring, skinny and weak girl but I see a bright, passionate, strong, and the most sefless girl I fell in love with." He pulls me on top of him.

A big smile grew onto my face. He's right, he always is.

"I love you." I kiss him and we both fall into a heavenly sleep.

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