Totally Hot and Totally Not

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Tobias POV~

I wake up to my beautiful Tris screaming. It has to be a nightmare.

"Tris, Tris wake up!" I shake her.

"Tobias?!" She whispered.

"Shh, it's okay." I take her onto my lap and stroke her short blonde hair.

"It was awful. That's all I need to say." She wiped her tears.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"Not really. It was ridiculous to wake you up. I'm sorry." She forced a smile.

"No it's fine. It's already 6 anyway so we had to get up. I don't care, I don't need sleep. As long as your safe I'm fine." I peck her on the lips.

Tris POV~

After screaming I told Tobias it was stupid waking him up. He told me he didn't mind, as long as I was safe. Then he kissed me. I need him so much so I decided to deepen the kiss. Since he was shirtless and I only had a shirt on I started tracing his tattoos. Abnegation, Dauntless, Amity, Erudite, and Candor.

"I love you Bea." He whispered in between kisses.

Then he kissed each raven and traveled up my neck under my ear. A slight moan escaped my mouth and I started laughing.

"You ruin the moment." Tobias chuckled when he came back to my face.

"It tickled." And with that I bursted out laughing.

"Whatever." And Tobias got up heading to the shower. I think he's mad now. Ugh. I ruined it. I get up and walk to the dresser. I pick out a v-neck teeshirt and black skinny jeans. My hair is almost to my shoulders so I started to brush it. I only put mascara on and I tied my combat boots.

"I need something to eat." Tobias whined.

I decided to make it up to him by putting my arms around his neck and kiss him, passionately. He kisses back and I knew he wasn't mad anymore. So with that I pull back and smile.

"Let's go Four." I smiled and laced our fingers together.

After eating breakfast it was the first day to actually teach the initiates something. So we decided on fighting first.

All of a sudden a girl from Amity named Dani came up to Tobias. Just great. I look at Tobias and Tobias doesn't even know that she's flirting with him.

"So Four, your name is like totally hot. Some of my friends back there think we could go out..." She said in a strange tone.

"Um, Dani please get back to training. He may be totally hot but your fighting skills are totally not." I winked. And with that she gave me a dirty look and walked out.

"Aw Tris are you jealous?" Tobias grinned. Before I could answer Adam called me over. I hate this dude and when Tobias grabbed my wrist I have a feeling he doesn't like Adam either.

"I'll be fine." I whisper.

"So uh Six. You look good today." He told me.

"Yeah thanks. Let me see you fight." I ordered.

"Can I fight with you? Like to get one on one training? Oh yeah a private or something." Adam suggested.

"I guess that wouldn't hurt. Meet me tonight at 5?" I walked away and went to Tobias. Meanwhile Hilary was very weak. Almost like me.

"Hilary you have no muscle. Trying hitting it with more tension in your stomach. Use your whole body." I gave her Tobias' advice.

"Thanks six" she smiled and I nodded.

"So what did Adam need?" Tobias whispered.

"He wants one on one training. I'll be here at 5 for half an hour. If I'm not back by 5:35 come get me." I walked away. I have a bad feeling about this.

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