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A few months went by and Criss was going gun ho with therapy which shocked some of the nurses and therapist there

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A few months went by and Criss was going gun ho with therapy which shocked some of the nurses and therapist there.  Even Klayton stopped by for some of Criss's appointment and met Criss's doctor Wendy.  Criss could tell Klayton was falling for her.  After therapy Criss and Klayton came home to find Zeni and Tam playing with Johnny.  "How's therapy going?" Tam asked. 

"Great Wendy said I may get to use a walker if I keep up this pace"Criss replied.  "That's wonderful Criss"Zeni remarked giving him a kiss.  "I'm glad you're doing good Criss everybody is waiting to see you walk even your son who learned to crawl today".  "A little prodigy aren't you buddy" Klayton stated picking him up.  "Do you guys mind watching Johnny we need to go shopping for dinner?". 

"No go on have some fun and I'll make sure Klayton doesn't go A wall with Johnny" Criss remarked.  "That was just a joke Criss"Klayton said as the girls left.  "Klay watch Johnny I need to make a phone call" Criss remarked and went into his office.  A few minutes go by and Criss called Klayton into his office.  "Looks like daddy's a little angry at me".  He put Johnny in his play pen and went to his office. 

"You bellowed sir"Klayton said in a bad English accent.  "Sit down," which Klayton did.  "I called the hospital to get the number of the man who did my surgery but they told me his credentials were fake.  I talked to mom and she described the man which reminds me of a man you knew in your dark days Doc.  Did you break our blood promise?". 

"I had to Criss the doctors were too scared to do the surgery and when Zeni went into premature labor I couldn't let you die and not have your son meet you.  I called Doc and told him what I needed from him".  "What about the debt you owe?"Criss asked.  "I told Doc I'd pay it but when he found out what you've done for me he forgo the debt.  I'm sorry I broke the blood promise Criss but I couldn't see you die after all the shit you went through" Klayton remarked. 

Criss went over to his friend and thanked him for being a great friend to him.  Klayton wiped some tears from his face.  "And tomorrow when Johnny's baptized you're going to be named his god father".  "Seriously has hell frozen over or did Zeni have brain surgery"Klayton asked as Criss chuckled.  "I'll talk to Zeni might have to pay her off some how but after hearing what you did you deserve this honor but you have to do one thing".  "What's that?".  "Don't ever open that book again Klayton I don't want to be going to your funeral" Criss ordered. 

"I burned the book so that part of my life is gone for good but before I did I threated Doc with testifying at his trail if he told anyone where I am" Klayton replied.  "Just hope he makes good on that".  A week went by and Criss and the family went to the family church to have Johnny baptized.  "You look beautiful Christopher" Dimitra said.  "Thanks mom" as she straighten his tie.

"I wonder where Klayton is?"Zeni inquired.  "You know Klayton Zeni he probably found a hot girl to fool around with before coming here".  "I swear if he was ever on time you might have to call 911 for me"Dimitra stated.  "On me too mom" Criss added.  After that Klayton walked in wearing a suit and tie.  "Oh my god who are you and what have you done with my friend?" Criss said surprised. 

"I wanted to look nice".  "You even took out your earrings and covered your tattoos" Criss stated. Klayton even stuck out his tongue.  "Even took out my tongue stud I thought I should look human in church" he replied smiling. "Sometimes Klayton you surprise me like right now"Criss said.  "Shall we get going before Johnny starts to get fussy". 

"I have a surprise"Criss stated.  He parked his chair as JD brought over a walker.  He put it infront of Criss than Criss got up and started to walk with help from the walker.  "Praise the lord it's a miracle"Klayton said an southern accent. After the baptism Klayton and Criss were outside sitting drinking.  "Congrates Criss on walking" as they clinged their beers. 

"Well  this is just a stepping stone I want to walk with out any help what so ever"Criss replied.  "Can I ask you a question?".  "About what?".  "Is your physical therapist married or seeing someone?".  "You like her?".  Klayton blushed a little.  "From what I know she isn't seeing anyone and she's divorce but she has twin boys".  "Doc did say to get married and have a few rugrats" Klayton stated as Criss chuckled. 

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