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It's the day of the wedding and Criss was fixing his tie when he heard someone whistle

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It's the day of the wedding and Criss was fixing his tie when he heard someone whistle. Criss turns around and he's back in the garage where he was shot. "Now it's time for you to die"a voice called out. A gun shot went off and everything went white. Criss sits up in bed sweating while his heart is beating a hundred miles an hour. "Criss you all right?"Zeni asked rolling over as she puts her hand on his shoulder. "Just a nightmare"Criss replied.

"The one where you get shot again. You've been having that a lot lately since Drake went to jail for attempted murder" she stated. "I'm just going to go downstairs for a bit you go back to sleep you need it" Criss replied. Zeni went back to sleep as Criss got up, put on his robe and left his bedroom. When he got downstairs he went over to the mantle to look at a picture him and Zeni on their wedding day.  It had been four years since that picture was taking and just remembering how beautiful Zeni was as she walked down the aisle that day. 

A lot had changed since that picture was taking. Johnny had grown up to be a beautiful four year old who has the energy of his father, Criss's show is nearing completion at Planet Hollywood.  Criss went to his office to check his email since he couldn't remember the last time he did. He saw he got an email from Klayton.

Klayton found out on Johnny's fourth birthday that Wendy is expecting a baby which almost made Klayton fall to the ground. Just found out I've got a daughter coming I can feel my hair turning gray as we speak. Tell my god son I'll see him soon Klayton wrote. "Can't wait to see how Klayton is going to be when she turns sixteen and starts dating" Criss thought. He also saw he got a email from his brother Costa. Costa and Tamara decided to move in together and got an apartment in Henderson.

Costa was enjoying fatherhood with his daughters Maya and Alexis. They're growing up so fast it seems like just yesterday I brought them home from the hospital. I'm glad Tam's mother decided to move in with us to help us with the girls. Tell my nephew I'll bring his cousins down to play in a few weeks. Give everyone my love and you GET SOME SLEEP you're going to need your strength for when you're dealing with a four year old and a newborn.

Criss chuckled at the email but the joke around the show is that Criss will catch up on sleep when he's retired from magic. After that Criss decided to go back to bed. As he went up the stairs Johnny was heading to his room rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing up buddy?"he asked. "Went to potty" Johnny remarked.  "Did you remember to put the seat down mommy didn't like falling into the toilet last time".

"When will I be big brother?". "Soon buddy now go back to sleep" Criss stated as he gave his little man a kiss good-night. Criss went in to the bedroom to see his wife asleep but also heavily pregnant with their second child-another boy. He was happy this time he would see his second child come into this world not like Johnny's birth. The next morning Criss was going over some stuff when a knock came to the door.

Criss got it and it was Kayden. "Hey Kayden nice to see you" as he rolled in. "I came to see my sister and to drop off this gift for my new nephew coming" giving Criss the box. "My mom took her and Johnny out Zeni's been copped up since the doctor put her on bed rest for a bit" he replied. "Also the hospital thanks you for the donation of the wheelchair and the car". "I thought it would better for a person who needed it since I didn't need it anymore" Criss replied.

"Zeni also told me the last time we talk that you've been going to the rec center with your son and showing Sean some of your magic tricks". "Yea he's got the bug as my father put it when I started doing magic so I'm kind of his mentor" Criss replied. "Well I have to get back to work so tell Zeni to call me" and Kayden left. That afternoon Criss was cleaning up as Zeni came in. "Hey you just missed your brother and he dropped something off for the baby" Criss replied.

"Just let me sit down I'm so exhausted" she said as she kicked off her shoes. "What do you expect your eight months pregnant with a baby who's about to ready to join this family"Criss stated as he rubbed Zeni's feet. "Well your mother took Johnny for the day so what do you want to do?". "Just relax with you" Criss replied.  Criss sat next to her as he put his hand on her belly.

"I love you Criss". "I love you too" Criss remarked as they kissed. "Come on I'll fix you up a nice warm bath and I'll put the jets on for you" helping his wife up. "Thanks sweetie" as they used the elevator. "Thank god you kept the elevator" Zeni stated. "I had a feeling we were going to need it" as the doors closed.

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