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At one of Criss's therapy appointment Klayton decided to tag along

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At one of Criss's therapy appointment Klayton decided to tag along. "Christopher how are you and how did everyone love your surprise?" she asked. "I almost had to call 911 for my mom when she saw me walking but my goal is to walk with out any help like a normal person"he replied. "Great goal Criss and I see you brought your friend Klayton is it". "I decided to come and cheer on this knuckle head". "Come on Criss let's get you limbered up"she said. 

 As the therapy went on Klayton watch Criss on the parallel bars walking inch by inch. "Come on Criss you can do it"Klayton said but Criss made it half away before losing his grip and falling. Klayton ran over to help Criss back into the chair. "Thanks Klayton," Wendy remarked with a smile.  Klayton blushed which made the therapy lady blush more. "I almost got to the end" Criss said. "You're doing great Criss but I want you not to push so hard you'll get there" she stated. "I know I know I just like to walk before my son does"Criss joked as Wendy snickered.

"Very funny Christopher you'll get there now let's cool down". When they got back home Zeni was feeding Johnny as Criss and Klayton came in. "So how was therapy?". "Good Criss got half way down the parallel bars" Klayton replied.  Criss said nothing just went over to the frig for a drink than outside. 

"Klay can you clean up Johnny for me?" Zeni asked. "You are such a sloppy eater or a painter in training come on" and took him upstairs as Zeni went outside. "What's wrong sweetie you don't seem happy?". "I just feel like I'm failing that I'm not going to walk by myself"he stated. "Christopher don't doubt yourself you will walk just takes time".  "Thanks baby maybe you can bring Johnny the next time" and kissed her as Klayton cleared his throat. 

"Sorry to interrupt but I've got a date tonight so I have to get going". "So who's the latest victim on your conquest of ladies?" Zeni inquired. "She's not a conquest Zeni she's a nice woman". "You're going out with Wendy aren't you?"Criss inquired. "How did you know?" Klayton asked surprised. "Lucky guess just be good to her she's a great PT I don't want to lose"Criss warned him. Klayton gave Zeni a kiss and left. 

At the bar Klayton was waiting for Wendy as he checked his messages Wendy walked in wearing Celldweller shirt. "Sorry my baby sitter ran later and my boy Phoenix didn't want to go to sleep". "No problem I've babysat Johnny and he gets that way sometimes I see you like Celldweller" Klayton replied. "I love their music I sometimes play it for some of my younger patients gets them in the mood" she stated. "Can I tell you a secret I'm apart of Celldweller" with a sneaky look on his face. "You're kidding me right?".

Klayton took out his phone and showed her some stuff from one of their concerts she was surprise to see Klayton on stage with the band. "Wow that's amazing Klayton Criss never told me about that" as he put his phone away. "I'm like my blood brother Criss I like to keep my private life private". During the night they were talking having a ball when a man walked in and the music stopped. "Who's this guy the owner of the joint?" Wendy asked. "Bets me"Klayton replied.

"All right who parked a mini red cooper in my parking space I want to know now,!" The man bellowed. Nobody said a word. "Someone better speak up now". "Klayton that's my car I'm scared to say anything" as she started to tremble. "Hand me your keys I'll handle this" Klayton whispered. "Since nobody knows who owns the car I guess I should just destroy it!". "WAIT," Klayton called out as he got off the stool. 

"Look I didn't know it was your parking space let me move it".  The man followed Klayton outside to the car. "What's your name fool?"he asked. "Why?" as he walked to the car. The man pulled out a gun. "So I now who send the flowers too". Klayton held up his hands. "Look I'll just move the car and everything will be ok,".

The man grabbed Klayton. "Look buddy I'm sorry I parked in your-". Klayton than felt a gun in his back. "Look bud-dy nobody parks in Drake Lawson's space and if they do they have to pay".
The detective said that a drug lord named Drake Lawson shot me echoed in his head. Drake was about to shoot when Klayton turned and grabbed the gun from him than kicked him where it count,

"Now it's time for you pay for what you did to my friend four years ago". At the house Criss and Zeni were having fun in bed when the phone rang. "Get the phone before it wakes up Johnny".  Criss answered the phone and it was the detective.

"Sure I'll be right down" and hung up. "What's going on Criss?". "They caught the guy who shot me" he replied. "Oh my god do the cops have him in custody?". "After he gets out of the hospital he tried to shoot another guy but the guy lost it.  He beat him up and pistol whipped him". "That guy deserve an award do they know who it is" as Zeni got up. "It was Klayton who pistol whipped the man" Criss replied.

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