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It's the day of Criss's premire of his new show and everyone has come down to see the show

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It's the day of Criss's premire of his new show and everyone has come down to see the show.  As Criss was fine tuning a few thing Klayton walked in.  "You are such a perfectionist Criss" he called out.  Criss jumped off the stage and walked over.  "I see you made it did you bring Wendy with yea" Criss inquired.  "I couldn't she's on bed rest for a bit doctor's orders so her mother's with her" he replied. "You never told me how did her mother react to the news that you and Wendy were married" Criss asked. 

"It wasn't good she hates me she thinks I did something to make her daughter marry me" Klayton stated.  Criss chuckled a little.  "How Zeni doing I heard that kid was due three days ago".  "My mom is shock that the kid's late considering all of us were born early" Criss said.  "Just pray she doesn't go into labor while your show's going".  "Don't say that with your mouth it may come true and I don't want Zeni and the birth of my son mess up my premire" Criss stated. 

"Well hope to the man upstairs that your father doesn't decide to bring that kid to the world tonight" Klayton suggested.  "Stop saying that or I'm going to tape your mouth shut".  Klayton laughed.  At the house Zeni was getting a few things done while Johnny was watching TV.  As Zeni came in she grabbed the side of the chair as a glass fell to the floor.  Johnny walked over as Zeni sat down.  "Baby coming".  "Maybe can you get me the phone". 

Johnny brought her the phone.  She dialed Criss's number but it went to voice mail.  FOR ALL THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR PHONE OFF she thought.  "Daddy not answering".  "Yeah" as she looked at the clock.  "Me call him".  "Your walkie talkie I forgot-oh god-just call him Johnny".  At the hotel Criss and Klayton were talking when Klayton heard Johnny's voice.  "Am I hearing things" looking around.  "I got portable walkie talkies for me and Johnny.  I think he's calling". 

He brought his arm up to mouth.  "What's up buddy mommy need me to come home". "Mommy don't feel good she looks like she's hurting"he replied. "I told yea" Klayton uttered.  "Christopher!" she called out.  "Mommy leaking water on floor" Johnny said.  "Oh carp her water broke come on.  Johnny remember those three numbers we taught you I need you to call them and ask for an ambulance" he said.  "All right".  Criss and Klayton ran to the valet and got into the car.  Criss gunned it as Klayton closed the door. 

Johnny walked over to his mother.  "Daddy to say to call those three numbers you taught me"Johnny stated.  "Here buddy you call them tell them mommy need an ambulance".  When Criss and Klayton got there the ambulance was arriving with a police officer.  They knocked on the door and Johnny opened it.  "Mommy in kitchen on floor "he said.   "Come on Johnny let's go see the police officer's car while daddy helps mommy" Klayton suggested. 

Criss went in with the paramedics to find Zeni on the floor.  "HE'S COMING!!!"she yelled.  The paramedic checked her out as Criss kneeled by her.  "The baby's crowning we're delivering this baby here".  "Better than the side of the road" Criss said.  Outside Johnny was sitting in the police car as Klayton was on the phone when the paramedics came out with Zeni.  Klayton jogged over as Criss came out with the baby wrapped up. 

"Oh my god you all right sweetie"Klayton asked giving Zeni a kiss.  "I'm fine Klayton can you watch Johnny for us".  "Sure but let me see the newest addition to the family first"he stated.  Criss showed him the baby boy as the officer brought over Johnny.  "Look Johnny it's your baby brother" showing Johnny.  Johnny gave him a little kiss on his head.  "Now Johnny I'm going with mommy and your baby brother to the hospital and you're staying with uncle Klayton OK" Criss remarked. 

"OK bye mommy".  When Criss finally got home that night his mother was waiting for him.  "Congratulation on the newest addition to the your family Christopher" she replied.  "Thanks mom I can't believe Klayton was right about the baby being born today".  "How Zeni?".  "Happy that the baby's here now.  I can't believe how whirl wind my life has become since Zeni came into my life.  I was a person with the worst case of depression in a wheelchair thinking I was nothing that no woman would love me in a wheelchair, but Zeni saw through that". 

"She did Christopher and thanks to her toughness you found love despite being in a wheelchair" Dimitra remarked.  "And I near lost my life to that bullet but thanks to Klayton he found a guy to get that bullet out of me so I could walk again".  "And you also became a father and a husband.  I was so happy to see you standing at the altar when you married Zeni" Dimitra added. 

"And now I have another child to add to the family" Criss added with a smile.  "Well get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow".  She gave her son a kiss and left.  After his mother left Criss looked at the picture of him, Johnny, and Zeni which made him happy knowing he was in the dark and the light of Zeni brought him out.

THE END.................................

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