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Costa sat down as tears fell down Klayton's face

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Costa sat down as tears fell down Klayton's face. "Costa we have to do something we can't just let Criss die maybe another hospital can take the bullet out of him" Klayton replied. "Klay they won't transfer Criss to another hospital in the condition he is. Like the doctor said there's nothing they can do Criss is going to die" Costa remarked.

"What???" a voice called out. The guys turned around and saw Zeni in a wheelchair being pushed by Tamara. "What are you guys doing down here?". "A nurse told us Criss was brought in Costa's is it true Criss is dying" as tears were falling down Zeni's face. Costa kneeled infront of Zeni. "Yea it's the bullet it's making Criss's organs shut down and it's too risky for them to take it out". "But they have to Costa" as she started to cry. "They won't do it for fear of Criss dying on the table". All of a sudden blood starting to come down Zeni's leg.

"Oh my god Zeni you're bleeding"Klayton pointed out. "I need help please!!!". As they put Zeni on the gurney Klayton heard the words C-section and NICU. Klayton left the hospital while everyone was busy with Zeni. He got to his apartment and slammed the door. Everything that he got was from Criss's shows and music. I can't let my blood brother die he can't leave Zeni to raise their child alone he thought.

Klayton went to a box he had not empty and looked for a secret book that he kept from his years on the street before he met Criss. The only person who knew about this book was Criss and he made Klayton blood swear to never open that book. Sorry Criss but I have to do this for you and found a number. In a club somewhere a man and some guys were throwing darts and talking while drinking beer talking about their old maids or the ladies they were banging behind their old maid's backs. The phone rang. "Answer the phone Samaul".

"Hello no this can't be him he's dead all right. Hey Doc some guy named Red Flame is on the phone. I thought he was dead". The man got up and grabbed the phone from him. "All of you out now before I perform a live autopsy on all of you". All the man left with a grumble because they knew Doc would actually do that to them. Rumor was he's the reason nobody could find Jimmy Hoffa's body.

"Klayton I thought I would never hear from you again you want back into the life". "No Doc I need a favor and your expertise my friend is dying and the only way to save him is to remove a bullet but the doctors are too chicken to take the bullet out considering where the bullet is but I've seen you remove bullets from every part of the body so I know you can help my friend". "Klayton when you walked away from the life you left a lot of debt which I had to pay for".

"Look Doc I'll pay back the debts but this guy has been through hell and he's about to become a father.I want him to live to see his son grow up so will you do it" Klayton begged. "For you Klayton just tell me what hospital and I'll have Grenadine forge some papers and have Gin put me in their computers". "Just make sure Gin spells it right" Klayton stated. "Oh believe me I told if he doesn't she's going to be fertilizer for the outfield at Wriglery Stadium".

"You always loved the Cubs Doc"Klayton stated. "Thank the man upstairs that I lived to see the cubs win the world series I'll see you soon just make sure they do not take him off the breathing machine" and hung up. At the hospital they were getting ready to take Criss of the machine when Klayton called Costa. "What Klayton we're about to tell the doctor to take Criss off the vent".

"Don't!! I found a doctor that can save Criss don't ask how but I did he's on his way so keep him on and tear up any DNRs". "All right Klayton" and hung up. "What did Klayton want Costa?"Dimitra asked. "He found a surgeon to save Criss he's on his way here now".

They all sat up and look at Costa like he talking in another language. "Are you serious? How". "He just said don't ask him how, don't take Criss off the vent and tear up any DNRS"Costa replied. After a few minutes Klayton came in. "Did he arrive?". "Yeah the doctors are a bit PO but he's got the paper work and he can do surgery here so they're preparing Criss for surgery" JD replied. Costa's phone went off and saw it was Tamara. "Hey baby how did it go is Zeni OK and the baby when she wakes up tell her Criss is having surgery just stay with her" and hung up.

"How's Zeni and the baby?"Dimitra asked. "Zeni's good and the baby is in the NICU his lungs weren't mature enough". "Well if Johnny is like his father. Johnny will live to meet his father" Klayton replied. "How did you know I just found out from Zeni". "When Criss told me it's a boy I remember a conversation we had about kids and he told me that he wanted to name his son after his father" Klayton stated with a smile.

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