Chapter 6 - Tanner Is Here Now

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Tanners POV

Woods had passed out on the way home. I had arranged for somebody to pick it up and bring it back to mine.

I pulled into the drive and noticed Woods had not stirred at all. The engine ticked and hummed as it cooled down and I sat quietly not wanting to wake Woods and thinking about everything that had happened. Why would he think like that? What's happened to him to make him be like that? So many questions rushed through my mind making it very difficult to focus on one thing at a time. One question would create more questions which lead to more and so on.

After about ten minutes of thinking in a screaming silence, I opened my door and headed round to Woods' side and carefully opened the door making sure that he didn't fall out. When I knew he was in a stable place, I opened the door fully and moved the bag that was sat empty on his lap. His grip falling from it and hitting the seat. After moving the bag, I looked bacl at Woods admiring his perfect features. The way his hair fell over one bit of his face, the way his eyelashes layed flat against his cheeks as he slept in a perfect harmony of the whispers of the night.

I removed his seatbelt from around him and lifted him out of the seat. holding him bridal style, I closed the door with my hip and left the bag on the drive way. That didn't matter at all right now. My priority was helping Woods.

We made it to the door and I nudged the handle with my elbow and shoved it open. I didnt bother locking the door on my way out. When I finally made it inside, my arms had begun to ache. I placed him onto the sofa and covered him in a blanket while I sorted out the bedroom.

Quietly, I crept up the stairs to our bedroom and looked at the mess I had made. The covers thrown across the room as I searched frantically for the man who had been laying next to me a few hours before. The cupboard doors flung open with all my stuff removed and strewn across the floor.

I picked up all the clothes and piled them into the corner of the room making a clear entry way for me to get woods safely into bed and safe. The covers were placed back onto the bed pulled back slightly so then I could just put Woods straight to bed without having to mess about.

I left the little bedside light on and turned the main room light off as I went to collect Woods. When I got back downstairs, he had turned over onto his other side and looked more than happy on the couch. I grabbed another blanket from the small oak cupboard from the corner and layed on the other sofa. I slowly drifted to sleep finally knowing that the beautiful man was finally safe and would get the help he needs.


My eyelids slowly lifted and I realised I was on the sofa downstairs. Everything crashed into my mind about last night. I looked over to the other sofa and saw the blanket that was covering Woods was folded neatly on the side of the arm. He wasn't there. I jolted up and looked around. He was no where to be seen.

I raced around the bottom floor looking in every single room high to low. But to no luck. After about five minutes of searching downstairs, I headed upstairs calling his name. I heard a muffled groan and sob coming from the bathroom. I ran across the landing and burst through into the bathroom.

What I saw broke my heart...

He was layed out across the floor crying into his shirt. Multiple cuts and scratches lined his arms and stomach. "Woods?" He looked up at me with tear filled and blood shot eyes. "Can I come over?" He nodded and sat up as he covered his upper half with his tear stained shirt. I wasn't sure what to say to him. I just pulled his weak body closer to me and he placed his head onto my chest. We sat against the bath panel in a peaceful silence.

"I'm sorry Tanner... I didnt want to leave you because I love you but I had to because i didn't want to hurt you."
"Having problems doesn't mean that you would hurt me. Not knowing what's wrong upsets me because I feel like I can't help you. All I want to do is help you feel better and be truly happy. Just because you have marks on your skin, it doesn't mean that you are disgusting or whatever may run through your head. It means you have had battles and you have made it this far. You are still here and I couldn't be more thankful for that. When I first saw you in that cafe, I immediately took a liking to you. I didn't even have to talk to you. But you kept yourself to yourself and you were calm. I knew that you weren't what you appeared to be but I knew that I would like that other person to. And look here, I do!"

Woods smiled a little and pulled me tighter. "I don't remember what happened last night. I don't want to remember either. I just want to be with you and I don't want anything else. I got so drunk because I believed that when I got home I would forget ever meeting you so it didn't hurt so much knowing I had left you. After leaving here and going to the gas station for the drink I don't remember a thing. And I would rather it stay that way."

"Okay then." We sat for a few minutes once again. " How much sleep did you get last night?"
"Well I don't know when we got back but I woke up at nine this morning and I feel exhausted."
" We got back at five so you had four hours. I think you should head back to bed and we can talk later." He nodded and moved off of me. I stood up and lifted him up off the floor and helped him to our room. "Right. Get some rest. Do you want me to stay here with you or do you just want to alone time?"
"You can stay with me." He smiled a little and patted the bed. I walked over and lied down next to him. I pulled the covers over us and hugged him close. I felt his warm breath on my cheek as he slowly drifted to sleep. I layed there quietly and my eyelids began to feel heavy before closing. I know we can get through this. We have to..

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