Iris' World

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Gif is who (Melissa Benoist) I imagine to play Iris. You don't have to too, it's just what I imagine.


Iris had woken up in a cold sweat. Her dream had been filled with running and a bow-tie. She had never seen that face before, which is weird seeing as most people only dreamt of faces they had seen before. Iris had had theories about what her dreams were. She had always figured that her dreams were a glimpse into another reality. She had never had a parent or anyone to tell her she was crazy. Only her best friends Rose and John Smith to tell her it was possible.

Iris works with a lab called Torchwood with Pete Tyler running the show. She only got called occasionally but she got paid well enough to not complain. Her boss was how she met her best friends and they were all she had and all she needed.

The reason Iris worked at Torchwood was because she was a quantum physicist. She had always been fascinated by the idea that there was more than one timeline, one universe and there was always going to be a choice that had to be made. The fact that every little choice anyone made could change the universe, or create a different one that showed different outcomes, blew her mind. She felt that any dream any person had was a link to another universe or maybe another version of someones own self.

Either way Iris was awake now and had to get ready for the day. After a quick shower she pulled on white leggings, a knee length black skirt, a white button up shirt with a red bow-tie. She always liked bow-ties, she thought that they were cool. She quickly threw on her red converse and bulky glasses as she ran to catch the bus to have breakfast with her friends.

Rose and John had opened a small Fish and Chip's place called TARDIS (Totally And Ridiculously Delicious Incredible Snacks) shortly after they had gotten married. They had worked really hard at it and it was now quite popular. This is where they had breakfast every Sunday morning. The menu was small but they had good tea and coffee for the mornings as well as eggs and toast. The rest of the menu was more lunch-y type stuff like fish and chips. Seeing as Iris is originally from America she had quite liked the chips part of the fish and chips. She often thought that they were the British version of stake fries.

She sat down at their regular table at the regular time and waited for her regular Sunday breakfast. Coffee with 1 cream, 2 sugars and her eggs and toast. When she had entered, John had noticed and gave Rose the nod he did every Sunday when Iris had come in. Rose smiled, picked up two plates as John got the third and they went over to the table that Iris was at. "Morning Tweedledum and Tweedledee, how's work?" Since the two were rarely apart this was the nickname Iris had assigned them.

"Works been fine, longer days with slower mornings. You?" Rose was always quite chipper and John was always mesmerized by her.

"Eh. Same old, same old." Iris took a sip of her coffee and smiled at how Rose had always seemed to get it perfect. She loved Rose's coffee, in fact, it was the only coffee she would drink.

Rose had just turned 24 a couple months ago and had gotten married to John almost two years ago. John had stated he was 30 years old but his eyes had too many secrets for that to be true. Iris was the youngest of the group at 22 years old and she admired the couple due to the fact that they were both amazing human beings who supported her and cared for her when no one else seemed to.

Rose's smile grew as Iris was stuck in her thoughts, "Any new dreams lately? And what's with the bow-tie?"

Iris shrugged, "Just a man wearing a bow-tie running up to a roof with a giant eyeball in the sky. Not the weirdest one I've had. And the bow-tie is cool so leave it alone."

Rose held her hand up in mock surrender and giggled as John's eyebrow rose. "Really 'bow-ties are cool'? I know we all go through phases but I don't think I have gone through that one." John was an oddball and that was one of the reasons him and Iris got along so well. "I'm gonna get back to the kitchen, you ladies have fun." He kissed Roses head and scooted out of the booth.

"I should go too, don't want him to burn down the kitchen." Since Iris was done eating Rose took her plate and cup along with the other two plates and headed for a kitchen. Iris moved over to the bar so that she could still talk to them.

"Do you need any help?"

They both tensed and quickly responded, "Nah, we're good." Due to how accident prone Iris had been in the past. Honestly, it was a miracle she was still alive.

"Suit yourself."

They continued to make small talk until about two hours later when her phone rang. "Hello, this is Iris speaking how can I help you?" It was her work phone so she always sounded proper when she answered it.

"Get down to the office immediately and bring John and Rose." Pete's voice was nervous.

"On our way." Iris knew that if Pete was nervous it was important. She quickly told the Smith's to lock up and to head to Torchwood. They nodded quickly after just looking at their phone, they had probably gotten a text from Pete.

John had a car so they all quickly piled in and drove as quickly as they could to get to the Torchwood Offices that Pete had opened up shortly after the Cyber Attack that happened 4 years ago. When they got there Pete was pacing at the front of the building and had sweat upon his brow.

"Where is it?" John had run to Pete as soon as he jumped out of the car. Pete had pointed to the left and John had run in that direction. Rose dragged me along and stopped when she saw a blue Police Box. The same one from my dreams.

The Bow-tie guy soon popped out coughing as the inside was smoking. When he had stopped he looked up at John and gasped, "Me? No, no, no, no, no. One me is enough, two me's though... bad idea universe."

Rose looked at Bow-tie guy, "Doctor?"

Bow-tie guy looked over at Rose and quickly pulled her into a hug after shouting her name in excitement. John let out a growl, he loved Rose dearly and therefore he hated anything that was a danger to her. Apparently, this Doctor guy was real trouble. Rose patted Doctor Bow-tie and he released her.

Seeing as how they had already known each other Iris decided to make herself known, "Um, hi? Name's Iris." She extended her hand for Doctor Bow-tie to shake. Instead of taking her hand he fiddled with her bow-tie and whispers something under his breath.

"Nice to meet you!" He pulls me in for a hug and sniffed my hair. He is obviously off his meds.

After he released her, Iris looked to Rose and John, "What now?"


Wow, First Chapter is always the hardest. I think I did good, what do you think?

I know this chapter is all over the place next chapter will be better. I wanted you to know Iris. Next chapter will also be in her point of view. Hope you continue on to the next chapter.


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