Doctor Bow-tie

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Doctor Bow-tie played with his hands as Rose and John shared a look. "Iris it would probably be best for you to go elsewhere while we sort this out." Rose looked sad as John made this statement.

"John, as much as I love and respect you I can't. Pete called me here too. I have a job to do." I turned to Doctor Bow-tie, "How did you get here? Who are you, aside from the Doctor part? Lastly, what can we do to help?" I gave him a kind smile.

He returned a bigger smile and began to explain, "Well, my ship here had just finished repairing and redecorating so I decided to take her for a test drive. It was supposed to be a quick jump to the moon and then back to Amelia, no sorry Amy, but then there was a blue blinking light. Seeing as how that had never happened before, I decided to push it and it somehow brought me here. Although, that shouldn't have happened that would've smashed the two universes together and destroyed them seeing as how I closed the rift so long ago." Doctor Bow-tie began to get lost in his thoughts so I snapped to get him to focus. "Right, sorry. My name is the Doctor and as soon as my ships ventilation system kicks on, I'll be off."

"Doctor who though?" I was determined to get an actual name.

"He's just the Doctor." John grumbled from behind me. He was upset about the Doctor's arrival and my refusal to leave.

"Imma call you Doctor Bow-tie if you don't mind. It suits you." I nod to make it final. Rose knew that that is what just occurred and smiled for a brief second. That is the same thing I had done to her and John when I first met them. "And what do you mean two yous? You're the only Doctor Bow-tie I know."

Doctor Bow-tie shook his head in amusement, "What's his nickname then?" He pointed to John.

"Tweedledum. His name's John though."

The Doctor nodded once, "He's the other me. Well, kind of. Well, not really. Not at all actually. He just grew from my hand."

My eyes widened, "That's fantastic! You must be one of a kind then Tweedledum. And considering the multiverses out there that's a big deal."

John smiled slightly at me. Doctor Bow-tie did too, "What do you know about the multiverse?"

On the outside I may look calm and collected but on the inside I am jumping for joy. I loved sharing my knowledge and I loved hearing new ideas. I heard Rose mumble an 'Oh no' but it was too late as I was already talking, "Well, my personal idea about the multiverse is that there are millions of them all over based on choices. Not choices like 'do I wear my red shoes or my blue shoes?' But choices like, 'should America have joined World War 2 or not?' Based on certain things, a new timeline shows the consequences of the action taken or not. Of course, once a big choice like that is made it stays locked down for that universe and continues on. I would say that its like quantum locked. Anyways, the bigger picture is always that way for that universe. Like you had stated earlier about creating a rift, I would say that you just came from another universe after some 'big picture' moment and the cost of travelling between universes is massive. Like collapsing both universes or destroying the timelines completely."

I had rambled on a bit at the end but John and Doctor Bow-tie looked shocked to hear my answer. "Did I get it right?" Even if I didn't, I was happy with the statement I had made. That was a theory I had made up based on other theories.

"Mostly." Doctor Bow-tie patted me on the back, "For a human I am shocked. Not to say humans are stupid, it's just you lot tend to over simplify things too much." I nodded my understanding just as the Blue Boxes door cracked open.

"Ah, she must be done. Off you pop Doctor. Have fun on your next adventure." John was eager to get Doctor Bow-tie out if his hair. I was a little disheartened though. The Doctor was quite cool and now I may never see him again. He walked over to the Police Box and went inside.

He came back and shook his head sadly, "It's new. Gonna need time to charge for a bit. You know how this works 'John'." He put air quotations around his name.

"How do we charge it?" I tilt my head slightly to the left out of curiosity.

Doctor Bow-tie had pulled a little green gem thing out if his pocket, "Same as last time. In twenty-four hours it'll be charged up and ready to go."

"What are you gonna do for the next twenty-four hours? We should really take you to the Offices to see if you are alright. Can't have you going home beaten up too badly." I looked to John as if to ask for approval. He knew I just wanted to interrogate him some more on the time and space theories.

John nodded his agreement, much to Doctor Bow-tie's disappointment, and helped me lead him to the sick bay past the little shop.

"They must've put that little shop in just for you 'John'. You had always loved them." Doctor Bow-tie motioned toward the shop. When he got to the bed I sat him down and pulled out a stethoscope. "Do you know how to use that?"

I nodded, "It is mandatory that all Torchwood staff have, at least, a first aid license." I put the stethoscope to his chest and listened to the left side first. It was strong and keeping a fast beat. I moved it to the right and heard a second heart beating just as strong and just as fast. "Your blood pressure must be through the roof." I pulled out a Popsicle stick, "say ah!"

"Ah!" Doctor Bow-tie was a good patient. I was able to quickly finish my check-up and offered him a sucker, which he quickly took. He acted childish but again his eyes were too old and his soul seemed too battered for it to be the truth.

"I would say to stay out of high adrenaline situations and make better food choices in order to lower blood pressure. I have a feeling you wouldn't listen though." I smiled and he laughed and nodded to communicate that what I suggested was indeed preposterous.

Doctor Bow-tie had twenty-three hours till he could get home. And time seems to slow whenever someone is in a hurry.


Hey, feel free to tell me what you think! I would love to hear what you have to say.


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