The Hungry Earth

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Do you know what it feels like? To burn alive? Cause I do.

Well, I might. I mean, I think that I technically am dead, but I feel like I'm burning.

Oh no, Is this Hell? Am I in Hell? 

Wait, that's not important right now. What's important is that you know that I am okay. I am free from my troubles.

No I'm not, I am in hell. 

Just let me tell you how I got here.


After the incident with the Dream Lord, Amy wanted a vacation in Rio. I wanted a nap, so that is what I did. As Bow-tie flipped switches and hit buttons, I left for my room and dozed off.

I woke up to an empty Tardis. I love it when that happens. That means that Bow-tie trusts me with his girlfriend. After I grabbed something to eat I took a shower and got dressed. I wore a light purple collared shirt, a black shirt with matching leggings, light purple converse and my lucky black bow-tie. The bow-tie was a birthday gift from Rose.

I grabbed the sonic and physic paper the Tardis had given me and walked out.

The first thing I noticed, we were not in Rio. The second thing, there was a big mine thing. And the third, the sky was dark. Something told me that the Doctor had already been to the mine thing, so I headed into town. I ran, I ran so fast that mud splattered my skirt as my shoes kicked it up. The reason for running? I heard a child calling out for help.

I followed the yelling to a church. Only, there was no longer a child there. Just a depressed Doctor, "What happened?" I was swiftly pulled into the church and havoc struck the room as a red-head started to shout.

"Elliot! Where is he? He was here. He was here. Elliot!"

"Ambrose, don't go running off!" He was still distressed from the boys disappearance and the red-head that wasn't Amy ran off.

An older man ran after her, "Ambrose!"

I ran after Ambrose and heard her shout out in sorrow and fear. There was an alien on top of her, scanning her. The older man from earlier had come to push it of Ambrose and the alien turned to face him. It attempted to strike him with its tongue but I shoved him out of the way and got hit instead. I yelled in pain and so did the older man as he hit a headstone nearby. 

Ambrose grabbed the man, "Dad! Dad!" Oh, I'm fine too, thanks.

"What happened?" Why are you so slow Doctor?

"Her dad's hurt." I gesture to him on the floor, "Had to push him out of the way of the thing." No need to worry him, I felt fine.

"Get him into the church now." The Doctor commanded. All bossy when his precious apes are hurt. What?

Rory helps him up while Ambrose starts to cry, "Elliot's gone. They've killed him, haven't they?"

The Doctor tries to comfort her, "I don't think so. They've taken three people when they could've just killed them up here. There's still hope, Ambrose. There is always hope."

"Then why have they taken him?" She cried out.

Annoyed by her attitude I get in her face, "Why do you expect him to know? Why don't you listen to the man and Get. In. The. Church."

Now, she is crying again and gets her dad, "Come on, Dad."

Rory looks at me in shock then turned to the Doctor, "So what now?"

The Doctor walks away and puts on a pair of sunglasses. He takes them off, then puts them back on, off again, on again then stares at his hand. He then swaggers off into the trees.

Rory and I wait by the van, "What's going on with you?"

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Everyone has their off days." I try to shrug it off. He nods.

"I understand that, my fiance just got swallowed by the ground." I look to him, face scrunched with concern, and pat his back.

"Looks like everyone wants to get a piece of that action." Before Rory can comment the Doctor comes back and tells us to get in the van.

He hits it twice, to signal us, then opens the passenger door to get his weapon of choice. We hear it yelling and hissing, then jump out and shove her in the van.

Rory seemed rather surprised by our awesomeness, "We got it."

"Defending the planet with meals on wheels." The Doctor went to high-five us but it was interrupted by the ground rumbling.

Something about the rumble filled me with dread, "What was that?"

"Sounds like they're leaving." Doctor explained.

"Without this one?" Rory gestured to the van.

The sky brightens up and Rory looks up in victory, "Looks like we scared them off."

However, the Doctor didn't look the same, "I don't think so. Now both sides have hostages."


I transported the alien back to the church and locked it in handcuffs in the crypt. I wanted to ask it about the green that was spreading from my shoulder, but it was quiet.

Rory whisper-shouted at the top of the stairs, "Are you sure? By yourself?"

"Very sure." The Doctor spoke at the same volume. What's the point of whispering, if you do it loud enough that everyone in the room and hear you?

Ever the worrier Rory is, "But the sting?"

"Venom gland takes at least twenty four hours to recharge." He grows louder, "Am I right?" Then mutter to Rory, "I know what I'm doing. I'll be fine."

"As if you really know what you're doing." I mutter under my breath as I head upstairs. I continued walking till I found a restroom, then locked myself in.

I took out the sonic and scanned my wound. The sonic processes the information and as I read it, I feel tears well up. I'm mutating, the venom is changing the very code that makes me human. I've always been called a freak, and now I am one.

I start crying, my mom was right. I am a freak, I don't think I am human to begin with. I'm too weird, too stupid yet smart. I ball up in the fetal position and finish crying.


When I looked normal I walked to the main room and heard the Doctor giving a speech. I hid behind a box, "Homo-Reptilia. Not monsters, not evil. Well, only as evil as you are. The previous owners of the planet, that's all. Look, from their point of view, you're the invaders. Your drill was threatening their settlement. Now, the creature in the crypt. Her name's Alaya. She's one of their warriors, and she's my best bargaining chip. I need her alive. If she lives, so do Elliot and Mo and Amy, because I will find them. While I'm gone, you five people, in this church, in this corner of planet Earth, you have to be the best of humanity."

What if I am no longer humanity? What do I do then?

"No dissecting, no examining. We return their hostage, they return ours, nobody gets harmed. We can land this together, if you are the best you can be. You are decent, brilliant people. Nobody dies today. Understand?" The Doctor finished his speech and the other woman clapped. Once she stopped the Doctor added, "Rory, be sure to tell this all to Iris."

The Doctor left and the other woman followed after. Everyone else went to do their own thing so I made a promise to myself. I will be the best me, and keep others on the right path too.


If you can't tell, I will be changing these two episodes quite a bit. I don't really like how they came out so I am changing it in my story. If you don't like it, too bad.

Tell me what you think.

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