Amy's Choice III

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Amy started going into labor, the boys freaked out and I tried to support her. The Doctor squats as if to catch the baby and I burst out laughing, this seems to be a deadly threat for the two boys.

Amy took a breath and everything was okay again, "Okay, it's not coming."

"What?" The doctor was shocked and I patted her back while laughing under my breath.

"This is my life now and it just turned you white as a sheet, so don't you call it dull again, ever. Okay?" Pregnancy hormones must be the worst.

The Doctor looked down, "Sorry."

"Yeah. You think this is bad? Wait until the baby is born, then it'll be literal chaos."

Amy storms off over to the swings while Mrs. Poggit walks to the castle. I follow her rather then go to the swings. I walk up the steps to see Mrs. Poggit with an eye in her mouth and green gas excreting from it. The children were dust and soon I was too.

*Doctor's POV*

"It's really cold. Have you got any warm clothing?" Amy, other things.

" What does it matter if we're cold? We have to know what she is up to." That old lady is up to something, where's Iris? "Sorry, sorry. There should be some stuff down there. Have a look."

As they leave for the hallway I pointed to I go underneath the console with a tin mug and break, no open, a tool box. It contains a piece of rope, a bottle opener and a whisk generator. I pull out the stuff and walk back up the stairs to build the thing I need to build. I look over at the chair Iris was in and see her sonic. Rory and Amy show up, "Ah, Rory, wind. Amy, could you attach this to the monitor, please."

"I was promised amazing worlds. Instead I get duff central heating and a weird, kitchen-y wind-up device." Quit complaining Rory, bigger picture. Lives at risk, missing Iris.

"It's a generator. Get winding." I look at the Sonic and see what Iris had last scanned. That's weird.

"Not enough." Good job Amy, Rory, wind.

"Why is the Dream Lord picking on you? Why us?" Another time, the scanner flashes and I run off.

"Where are we?" In trouble Amy, like always.

Rory quit winding at this point, "What is that?"

"A star. A cold star." That's not right though, I open the door, "That's why we're freezing. It's not a heating malfunction. We're drifting towards a cold sun. There's our deadly danger for this version of reality."

"So this must be the dream. There's no such thing as a cold star. Stars burn." Amy, it is a big world out there.

"So's this one. It's just burning cold."

"Is that possible?" I don't know Rory, pick up a book, ask Iris.

"I can't know everything. Why does everybody expect me to, always?" I'm so tired.

"Okay, this is something you haven't seen before. So does that mean this is the dream?" I don't know. Quit asking Rory.

"I don't know, but there it is, and I'd say we've got about fourteen minutes until we crash into it. But that's not a problem."

"Because you know how to get us out of this?" Oh, sweet innocent Rory no.

"Because we'll have frozen to death by then."

"Oh, then what are we going to do?" Amy, we breath and-

"Stay calm. Don't get sucked in to it, because this just might be the battle that we have to lose."

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