Amy's Choice II

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A group of school kids walk by as the church clock is chiming. Rory and Amy wake up on a bench outside the Library while the Doctor walks around. I am leaning against a wall watching our surroundings. 

"Okay, this is the real one. Definitely this one. It's all solid." You keep saying that Amy, but which one is really real? If any.

"It felt solid in the Tardis too. You can't spot a dream while you're having it." The Doctor waves his hand in front of his face and went cross-eyed. 

Rory looked at him quizzically as the couple stood up, "What are you doing?"

"Looking for motion blur, pixilation. It could be a computer simulation. I don't think so, though." Ah yes Doctor, always facing the robotic monsters. But, not everything is robotics, just most of the time.

A little old woman walks past. She nods, "Hello, Doctor."

Rory, the Doctor and I all respond 'Hi' then the Doctor gives Rory and me a questioning look. "You're a doctor?"

"Yeah. And unlike you, I've actually passed some exams." Rory gained some sass from Amy.

"And I've got two doctorates. How do you not know by now?" I added.

"A doctor, not a nurse. Just like you've always dreamed. How interesting." The Doctor starts walking away. Why ask a question if you're not gonna wait for an answer?

"What is?" Rory and Amy follow, Amy just a little slower.

The Doctor turns around and faces us, "Your dream wife, your dream job, probably your dream baby. Maybe this is your dream."

"It's Amy's dream too. Isn't it, Amy?" He looked to Amy for support.

She was hesitant though before saying, "Yes. Course it is, yeah."

"What's that?" He indicates the building behind him and I walk towards it to look for a sign. The sign outside says SARN Residential Care Home. A man is looking out of a window, then a woman and another man. I felt as if I was decaying, I felt rage too. Everyone runs, much to Amy's protests, and we go into the lounge.

"Oh hello, Doctor Williams." I walk around and talk to some of the elderly.

"Hello, What's your name?" I ask and older man.

He looks at me, "Nainby. You can call me Nainby." I shook his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you Nainby. I am working on Marketing this area and was wondering if you had anything that you think would bring in the crowds. If more people move here, more funding for SARN." I smile innocently.

He starts to list off a bunch of stuff about how he grew up here, and how quiet it is. I am trying to see if there are any inconsistencies to his story to see if I can figure out if this is the dream. His story seemed to have included a war I don't remember happening, but then again I am from another reality. I thank him for his time and head to the lounge.

When I enter the lounge I see the Doctor in a have knitted sweater and hear the birds chirping.


I woke up on the Tardis still feeling weak. The Doctor propped me up as Amy started to complain, "Okay, I hate this, Doctor. Stop it, because this is definitely real. It's definitely this one. I keep saying that, don't I?" Yes Amy, you do.

"It's bloody cold." Then get a blanket Rory.

"The heating's off." 

This caught me off guard, "The heating's off? We are in a spaceship, in the cold vacuum of space, how have we not frozen?"

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