Amy's Choice I

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Something was off. The Tardis was being weird, her hums weren't the same. Bow-tie was running amuck, something about needing milk, and we landed. I looked at the monitor and saw that we were on earth, Upper Leadworth in the Ponds future. Bow-tie doesn't bother to check and left the Tardis. I follow him out and see smashed flowers and a misplaced stone.

"Rory!" Bow-tie had exclaimed and I cringed at Rory's new hairstyle.

"Doctor. Iris." I pull him into a hug as Bow-tie pointed out the crushed flowers. "Oh, Amy will kill you."

"Speaking of which, Where is she?" Amy and I had grown close during our time in the Tardis.

"She'll need a bit longer."  Oh, why is that Rory? What have you been up to?

"Whenever you're ready, Amy." Bow-tie was happy to see his other companions.
Amy waddles out. So that's what you've been up to. "Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet." He pointed at her and I chuckled.

"I'm pregnant." Amy pointed out.

"You're huge." He pointed out once more.
"Yeah, she's pregnant." I now pointed out.

"Look at you. When worlds collide." He pats Rory.

"Doctor, I'm pregnant." Amy pointed out once more. Man, the Doctor has gotten slow.
"Oh, look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and size." I massage my temples, I feel irritation radiating from the other two.
"Oh, it's good to see you, Doctor. You too, Iris." She pulls us into a hug.

"Are you pregnant?" Penny drops, Christ Bow-tie, you have gotten too slow.


We walked deeper into Leadworth and Bow-tie was getting bored, "Ah, Leadworth. Vibrant as ever."

"It's Upper Leadworth, actually. They moved upmarket." I corrected and Rory nodded.

Bow-tie gave me a look, "Where is everyone?"

"This is busy." I got bored too and decided to watch the people. I saw many old people, they didn't feel right though. I got nothing but rage radiating from them. First the Tardis, now the Elderly. What's next? Talking dust?

"Self harm." This leaked into my interest and I felt my face fall. Is that what the Doctor normally wanted? Was he that what he thought of when he was alone?

"We relax." Is Rory really gonna ignore that? He was a nurse at one point. He should be concerned.

The Doctor had grown silent, as if confused. "Relax."

"We live. We listen to the birds." Rory was still going on about relaxing.
Amy joined him, "Yeah, see? Birds. Those are nice."

"We didn't get time to listen to birdsong back in the Tardis days, did we?"

The birds grew louder. I felt my head pounding. The Doctor did too, "Oh blimey, my head's a bit. Ooo. Er, no, you're right, there wasn't a lot of time for birdsong back in the good old-"
They drifted off and I was scared. Those elderly looked hungry. I drifted off too.


I wake up on the Tardis, in my room, and I run to another room. I go down to the Galifrey Gallary to see if it was still there. It felt off, normally it was like a window to the past filled with emotion. But now, it just felt like a hologram. No emotions, no joy or sadness was brought to me. I felt nothing.

I run to the control room to make sure we were all okay. I hear Rory, "How can we have the same dream? It doesn't make any sense."

"Upper Leadworth, swallowed planets?" I asked and Amy nodded. I heard the Tardis hum but it was off again, and the red lights! Those were weird too.

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