Final Goodbye Part II

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*Iris' POV*


When Doctor Bow-tie had put his hands on my temple, I closed my eyes. I saw thoughts drifting, so many questions, so little time, and, sadly, so little hope. The Doctor thought he was stranded, lost from his world forever. I saw fire and sadness, much more than one person should have to bear. He felt that he was alone, that he was the last. Since he was being open with me I decided to share some memories of my past. How my mother neglected me and my father was absent. I had felt alone then too. But you can never truly be alone in a world of 6.5 billion people.

He tensed as he discovered these things, his thoughts screamed sorrow but his actions always showed joy.

I backed out of his mind and he released my temple. With his forehead on mine and tears glistening in his eyes, "I'll never understand some humans. You have faced hell, yet you always smile."

I wiped the tear from his eyes, "I will never understand how a man that has family spread throughout the multiverse can feel so alone. I understand your need to help others, you are trying to pay for sins that are not yours alone to bear." I pull him in for a hug and he accepts it. "You should sleep. It has been a long day for you."

I left the room and went towards the kitchen to make linner. I decided to make grilled chicken and vegetable rice. It was my favorite meal. I made two plates, just in case the Doctor wanted any. I quickly ate and put wrap around his food and put it in the microwave for him before heading to my office. I sat down at my desk and began typing on my second laptop, since the first was still in the Doctor's room and I didn't want to disturb him. I opened a new document and began typing.

Today has been a peculiar day. It started just as any other Sunday would, at 9am I ate breakfast with Rose and John. My normal food and the normal banter until Pete had called. He was nervous for only the second time in his life. The first being when he got remarried to Jackie Tyler and adopted Rose, and the second time today. My dreams were true. A Police Box and a Bow-tie wearing madman dropped from the sky and caused chaos. The madman turned out to be called The Doctor, I call him Doctor Bow-tie, and he was here due to curiosity. After making sure he was okay, I invited him over in order to rest. In turn he destroyed my t.v. and stole my alien tech (that I had originally stolen). He's a thief at heart.

He did this weird thing that let him get in my head, and I got to see in his. I saw a war. I saw a warrior, a man of a different name but of the same intentions. The man at war had only wanted to do what was best, he only wanted to save the universe and now he pays for it. He rips himself apart calling himself a monster. But if he is a monster than I am something much worse. I have seen struggles and didn't help. I have seen wars and stood by in fear. If he is a monster then I would be a demon. This man does nothing but help. He carries nothing but a tool to fix things and travels in a police box in order to let people know that he is there to help. If he is a monster, then he is the kindest monster, it must be the side effect to having two hearts. Twice the kindness, twice the guilt.

I hope that I can change into that type of monster. The type that scares away the bigger ones. The type that protects the children from the shadows. Guess only time will tell.

- Iris Grey

I saved the document as Diary Entrance 134. I have done it everyday in order to keep track of my memories. Even the not so good ones. My computer is protected by a ton of firewalls and algorithms to keep intruders away from my memories.

For it is our memories and emotions that make us who we are.

I look at the clock and see that the Doctor has been in bed for 5 hours and I decide to go and check on him. When I get in the room I hear the Doctor mumbling about Amy. He seems to be having some sort of nightmare so I sit down and try to wake him up. He gasps and shoots up and our foreheads smack together.

AMELIA! Amelia please I am so sorry! I never, never meant to hurt you.

A young red head looked angry and had a grip on the Doctors ripped dress tie, "Then you never should've left me."

When I come to, I hear the Doctor apologize for whacking my head and ask me if I was okay.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just wanted to let you know that you have dinner in the kitchen and about 11 hours left on this universe. I was gonna hop in the shower really quickly, do you need anything?" The Doctor shook his head no and I nodded my understanding before I turned to leave. "The food is in the microwave. Take off the plastic and set the cook time for one minute and forty-five seconds." With that I left.

I grabbed clothes from my drawers and went to the master bathroom. I locked the door and started the water. I made sure to take a quick shower due to the fact that I didn't want the Doctor to get too comfortable or feel too alone. I threw on my black leggings, maroon skirt with matching dress top and black bow-tie to finish it off. I wasn't tired and didn't plan to go to bed. Too many things had happened, I was too energized.

I left the bathroom and found the Doctor watching soccer, er, football while playing with his vegetables. He really did act as if he were a child. Maybe he didn't have enough of a childhood to being with. Maybe I look too deep into things. Either way he hadn't burnt down the house yet and he was still alive.

I pick up my phone and call Rose. When she doesn't pick up that was when I realized that she would likely be in bed with John. I sit down next to the Doctor and take this chance to question him, "What is your universe like?"

The rice dribbled from his fork and he looked like a child who was caught peeking at Christmas presents a night too early. "Um, It is quite like yours. A lot of humans, big advancements, plenty of alien life and threats."

"What happened to cause the rift to seal? You said something about how you shouldn't be here since you closed the rift last time."

The Doctor looked sad, "I did some cool science stuff. It caused Rose to get stuck here. I keep leaving people. I hate it, humans are so much more than just dust that you pick up and brush away. Each and everyone of them is so unique... and there are so many of them."

I patted his shoulder, "You don't leave them. You protect them, you keep them safe even at your own risk."

"Yeah... Would you want to see it?" He moved from my grasp and looked in my eyes.

"See what?" I had a feeling about what he was gonna say.

"The other universe?"



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