Final Goodbye Part I

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*Doctor's POV*


I had gotten to see Rose again. That was a miracle. She was looking happier than I have seen her. Well, that's not saying much considering this is the first time that I have seen her. But she wasn't crying nor was she at war-which is what I had brought to her life.

'John' looked well. He doesn't seem angry, just tense at the fact that I am here. Which I don't blame him, I am a warrior by design and that means war shall follow me.

Iris seems nice. Very smart girl and I could tell 'John' appreciates her. In fact, I was currently being driven to her house so that I could rest. 'John' had tried to explain to her that I didn't need it but, she insisted that the traveling between dimensions would wear anyone out. I had also just regenerated, so I decided that a little rest never hurt anyone. Well, that's not exactly true but Iris seemed determined to let me rest before I had to leave.

I have a feeling that 22 hours and 45 minutes with her will be more than enough for me to befriend her. She was sitting next to me humming as 'John' drove while holding Rose's hand. I saw the ring on Rose's hand when I first got here and made the assumption that they were married, Iris later proved that theory true. 


15 minutes. It took 15 whole minutes to get to Iris' house. How could she do that everyday? 15 minutes without anything but sitting is too much. As 'John' pulled away, Rose waved goodbye towards Iris and myself. We where standing outside an apartment building which was two stories tall and looked to have at least 2 bedrooms. Iris unlocked the door and lead me inside.

It was a nice, if not small, building. Two bedrooms, one made into an office/bedroom the other was a guest bed. She led me to the guest room. It was yellow and green and had a bed and a small t.v. It was a pointless room but a kind gesture. 

"Everything to your liking Doctor Bow-tie?" Iris was smiling. Her smile had hardly left her face since I had met her. 

"Yes, quite nice. Bit small, but it'll do." I smiled back. She nodded happily and left the room. The second she closed the door behind her I decided to fiddle with her t.v. in order to figure out what could've brought me here. The blue blinking light had picked up a signal transmitting and apparently it was coming from Torchwood Offices. Torchwood was trouble, always has been and always will be. I carefully removed the back of the t.v. and started to fiddle with wires. I removed all the extra bits and realized that I would still need some parts. 

I left the room to see if Iris had any other things lying about that I could use. "Hey Doc! Need help?" Iris tapped on my shoulder, I grabbed her shoulders out of shock. 

"Don't do that! But yes, do you happen to have any spare electronic parts?" I really need this scanner to work so that I don't feel guilty, at least I'll know I tried. She nodded and lead me to the office. She walked into the closet and came out holding a large black storage box. When she opened it I jumped back in shock after seeing a Cyberman's head.

That's three times now that I have been shocked by Iris.

"Don't worry. It has been completely dismantled. Pete and several other people made sure of it. I was supposed to dispose of it but I like to build so... I took it to learn from it." She looked almost embarrassed to say that. I thought it was cool.

I continued to look and saw a Dalek blaster, 4 circuit boards from a Quark, 2 Cleaner saws, an Ood translator and a bunch of human looking technology. I have no idea how she was able to get half these things, but then again she did work with Torchwood. I took one of the circuits and the Ood translator. I nodded my thanks and headed off to the room with Iris on my tail.

"What you doin'?" Her eyes twinkled with curiosity when she saw her t.v. on the floor. 

"Sorry about the mess but, I am making a scanner to pick up the signal that called me here." I started to dismantle the Ood translator and I fiddled with some other things to make sure the stuff would happen. Iris' watchful eyes saw every movement I made and she had made some recommendations, this ended with a semi-functioning scanner.

"Must be broken." The scanner had said the signal was coming from this room.

"It can't be broken, you just made it. If anything it's just incomplete." She ran out and quickly came out with a laptop and a HDMI display-cord. She plugged in the laptop and handed it to me. I quickly pushed some buttons and the screen changed. There were now two dots on the scanner. "One dot is the scanner, the other is the signal. So in retrospected to the scanner the signal would be you."

Her eyes widened at the statement, "I swear I didn't do anything to mess with your ship. The only thing I have done is have dreams about you and an eyeball in the sky." 

I put my hand on her shoulder to look in her eyes, "I know you didn't do anything on purpose. What I don't understand is how you did it in the first place. Would you mind if I did something real quick?" 

"If it'll help you then I don't mind a bit." She smiled, as always. I moved my hands to her temples and closed my eyes as I put my forehead on hers, she was a bit short so I had to bend down a bit.

As I looked through her memories I whispered softly, "If there is anything you don't want me to see, just imagine closing a door. Promise I won't peek." Just as the words left my lips, doors popped up all around me. This girl has a lot of secrets. I made my way into her head and saw dreams of past me's and my companions. I saw coffee and a shop called TARDIS, I could taste the chips just as Iris remembered how they tasted. I saw her tinkering and building. Lastly, I saw a girl crying, Iris, she looked so broken and lost. But she wasn't alone. There was a light that had whispered hope ominously in her ear. It whispered, 'the biggest word I know is alive. It can be happy, it can mean so much to one person yet so little to another. It can also be sad, for once alive is gone there seems to be nothing. Alive to you means to experience, may these dreams give you the experiences you wish for.' 

That is what had brought me here. And I had 16 hours to figure out what I was gonna do about it.


I know it is all over the place, but this is how the Doctor's head works in my mind. 

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please comment what you think!


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