Time Of Angels I

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B.O.R.E.D stands for Bored Of Reality (by) Excited Doctor. Ever since I told his of my empathetic ability he has been trying to keep the environment calm. Calm meant boring apparently. I mean, I know I am a nerd but history isn't my strong suit, that is why I was bored by the museum. The Doctor was excited though, I could feel his excitement course through me. He was looking at every exhibit and told us that 99.9% of them were incorrectly descried, this told me that he was the reason for them being there or that he was involved in the incident that caused them to get here. Amy figured that it was how he kept score as the Doctor explained the museum and it's founders.

He suddenly stopped and headed towards a box as Amy looked at another exhibit. I followed over him and saw weird engravings. The funny thing is though is that, I saw words from from them, kinda like in Percy Jackson when his dyslexia formed new words from other words in a Gods presence. Gosh, the movie for that was awful.

Either way, I saw that it spelled out 'Hello Sweetie' and was highly confused, Who was it talking about? The Doctor finished circling it and Amy headed over. Amy was bored too, wanting to see a planet, but the Doctor was worried.

"It's from one of the old starliners. A home box." The Doctor was serious, then again he always was. It was Bow-tie that was fun and carefree-ish.

"What's a Home Box?" Amy was confused by that fact but I was still stuck on the engraving.

"Like a black box on a plane, except it homes. Anything happens to the ship, the Home Box flies home with all the flight data." The Doctor was very good at dumbing thing down, must have to do it often. Amy was still confused but the Doctor moved on. "The writing, the graffiti. Old High Gallifreyan. The lost language of the Time Lords. There were days, there were many days, these words could burn stars and raise up empires, and topple gods."

"What does it say?" Can Amy not read it? Then again, why could I read an alien language?

"Hello, sweetie." The Doctor and I stated in unison, this caused him to look at me in shock, once again, before he smashed the case and stole the Home Box. Like I said before, thief at heart. An alarm soon went off and we rushed for the Tardis with security on our tails.

"Why are we doing this?" Amy had voiced out my inner question. She was quite good at that.

The Doctor was a good multi-tasker, dealing with people and connecting sensitive devices together. "Because someone on a spaceship twelve thousand years ago is trying to attract my attention. Let's see if we can get the security playback working." He got it hooked up and a woman with big hair winked the monitor, she looked like trouble. But she was extremely attractive. Darn my bisexuality, this clearly wasn't the time.

"The party's over, Doctor Song." A mans voice came from out of shot. "Yet still you're on board."

"Sorry, Alistair." Stated Doctor Song, "I needed to see what was in your vault. Do you all know what's down there? Any of you? Because I'll tell you something. This ship won't reach its destination."

Was that a threat, "Wait till she runs. Don't make it look like an execution." 'Alistair' must've seen it as one.

"Triple seven five slash three four nine by ten. Zero twelve slash acorn." It sounded like a random string of code. Why? "Oh, and I could do with an air corridor."

"What was that? What did she say?" Amy loved to voice her questions. Luckily it didn't seem to bother the Doctor, I think he liked showing off while he could.


"Like I said on the dance floor, you might want to find something to hang on to." What is she planning?

The Tardis had moved places and Bow-tie rushed for the door, "Whoo!" Doctor Song lands right on top of him.

"Doctor? Who is she?" I questioned as I came over to help them up.

"River?" The Doctor looked confused.

River didn't need help and just jumped straight up and tool charge, "Follow that ship." The Doctor ran to the controls and began flipping switches. "They've gone into warp drive. We're losing them. Stay close."

The Doctor didn't like the orders, he was getting stressed within twenty seconds of River crashing into hi, "I'm trying."

"Use the stabilizers." Was she telling him how to fly the Tardis? After a slight argument River pushed a button and we stopped rattling about, "See?"

"Yeah. Well, it's just boring now, isn't it? They're boring-ers. They're blue boring-ers." Your face is a boring-er at times, yet we still put up with you, Doctor.

"Doctor, how come she can fly the Tardis?" Amy whispers quite loudly.

Bow-tie shouted his response, a little upset, "You call that flying the Tardis?"

"Okay. I've mapped the probability vectors, done a fold-back on the temporal isometry, charted the ship to its destination, and parked us right along side." It didn't make the noise. I liked the noise, even if it did make me uncomfortable.

"Parked us? We haven't landed." This caused another argument. Although, it was funny to hear Bow-tie make the noise.

"It's not supposed to make that noise. You leave the brakes on." So that's the noise. No wonder I always felt slightly annoyed when we landed. Must've been the Tardis' emotions reflecting on me.

"Yeah, well, it's a brilliant noise." Bow-tie was still salty.

"I love that noise." I added.

"Come along, Pond, Grey. Let's have a look." He headed for the door.

"No, wait. Environment checks." River was worried, she must've meant something to the Doctor. No, vice versa, the Doctor had no idea who she was.

"Oh yes, sorry. Quite right. Environment checks." He pulled opened the door and I felt uncomfortable. "Nice out."

River read off the monitor, "We're somewhere in the Garn Belt. There's an atmosphere. Early indications suggest that-"

The Doctor cut her off, "We're on Alfava Metraxis, the seventh planet of the Dundra System. Oxygen rich atmosphere, all toxins in the soft band, eleven hour day and-" he stuck his head out the door, "chances of rain later." He was a show off.

Even River thought so, she was whispering to Amy just out of ear shot.

"How come you can fly the Tardis?" I finally spoke up.

"Oh, I had lessons from the very best." River was messing with her shoes and the Doctor mumbled off to the side, "Shame you were busy that day. Right then, why did they land here?"

"They didn't land." I felt a hunger in my stomach, I felt hurt and sick. "You should've checked the Home Box. It crashed."

River left the Tardis.

"Explain! Who is that and how did she do that museum thing?" Amy is the most curious person I know. Aside from the Doctor.

"It's a long story and I don't know most of it. Off we go." So I was right, He didn't know River. The thought of leaving made Amy and The Doctor have a minor argument. I left the Tardis to get some air. They said there was an atmosphere. Plus, I had a feeling Amy would win.

Amy burst through the door with a smile on her face soon after. The Doctor grumbled behind her. Looks like Amy got her planet.


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