Victory Of The Daleks II

625 22 13

Happy Halloween y'all

A siren went off as I approached the Doctor. Winston sigh, "The all-clear. We are safe, for now."

Winston left with the Dalek following him. I hope the Dalek didn't suddenly have a change of heart and kill him.

"Doctor, it's the all clear. You okay?" Amy headed towards us. We should really stick together this round, don't want the Dalek to take us out while we are apart.

"What does hate look like, to you?" The question was directed at Amy but I ended up muttering, "The lack of love."

"Hate?" Amy stated the same time, only a little louder.

The Doctor gave me a worried glance, "It looks like a Dalek. And I'm going to prove it."


"All right, Prof. Now, the PM's been filling me in. Amazing things, these Ironsides of yours. Amazing. You must be very proud of them." We were now in the lab with Bracewell and couple other people wearing lab coats.

"Just doing my bit." He smiled, he truly did just wan to help. I only hope that in the end he isn't too naive.

"Not bad for a Paisley boy." Amy loved him for that sole fact.

And Bracewell was happy to have another around, "Yes, I thought I detected a familiar cadence, my dear."

"How did you do it? Come up with the idea?" I really hoped for some answers. Heck, I even voiced it aloud.

"How does the muse of invention come to anyone?" Bracewell was getting cocky now.

The Doctor clearly had his suspicions of Bracewell too, "But you get a lot of these clever notions, do you?"

"Well, ideas just seem to teem from my head. Wonderful things, like. Let me show you. Some musings on the potential of hypersonic flight. Gravity bubbles that can sustain life outside of the terrestrial atmosphere. Came to me in the bath." Bracewell showed us his blue prints.

"If you adjust the thrusters and made this of a lighter material then the flight would work. As for the Gravity Bubbles you would want to make sure you got the perfect O2 to nitrogen levels." I mutter softly as I flipped through the blue prints. I hear Bracewell scoff at my words and remember that in the 1940s women weren't the most respected people.

"And are these your ideas or theirs?" The Doctor thought that Bracewell was a robot? That would seem like a great idea. Place a spy/weapon in the barracks as an insured back-up plan.

Bracewell defended his 'creations', "Oh no, no, no. These robots are entirely under my control, Doctor. They are." A Dalek brings over tea for Bracewell as if to serve a point, "Thank you. The perfect servant, and the perfect warrior."

The Doctor glared at Bracewell threateningly, almost the same way I had towards the Dalek earlier, "I don't know what you're up to, Professor, but whatever they've promised, you cannot trust them. Call them what you like, the Daleks are death."

Winston had made his appearance and was still being stubborn, "Yes, Doctor. Death to our enemies. Death to the forces of darkness, and death to the Third Reich."

"Yes, Winston, and death to everyone else too." I glared at him and the Doctor and I spoke in unison. Winston glared back not liking the disrespect.

"Would you care for some tea?" It was the same Dalek I had threatened earlier. The Doctor snapped and knocked the tray from the Daleks plunger.

"Stop this! What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"We seek only to help you." After the Dalek said this I kicked it back. Its hatred seeped out the metal casing and was causing me to lash out.

"To do what?" I yelled at it. Bracewell pulled me back, not liking the fact that I was throwing his 'invention' around. The Doctor looked slightly worried for me but was more mad at the Dalek.

"To win the war."

The emotions drowned me again. I was pulled into a void of darkness and color yet I was still awake. I heard metal clash metal and felt pain. It felt as if someone had smacked me. I felt hatred, as if I was the most vile thing in the world. I wanted to die, I wanted to prove a point. This wasn't me. I hated violence. I lashed out at the Dalek. That wasn't me. What was going on? Something in this universe threw me off.

"Please desist from striking me. I am your soldier." I heard the Dalek state as I came out of the weird trance. This is the third time now, I am gonna have to tell the Doctor.

"You. Are. My. Enemy! And I am yours. You are everything I despise. The worst thing in all creation. I've defeated you time and time again. I've defeated you. I sent you back into the Void. I saved the whole of reality from you. I am the Doctor. And you are the Daleks." The Doctor broke, he looked on the verge of tears as he kicked it away. Don't let them break you.

But apparently they already had, "Correct. Review testimony."

Over the recording you could hear, "I am the Doctor. And you are the Daleks."

"Testimony. What are you talking about, testimony?" The Doctor was lost, I understood. At least partly.


"Transmitting testimony now." The other Dalek commanded.

"Transmit what, where?" The Doctor ignored me the first time so I tried again, "Doctor, your statement. They needed you to say the words. They are too broken. How can you not feel it? Doctor, you were their plan."


The Doctor stared into my eyes as the Daleks left after the normal slaughter and heartbreak. Winston yelled out commands, Bracewell cried and chaos ensued.

"Don't beat yourself up because we were right. So, what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?" I questioned the Doctor, our pity party would have to start later.

"This is what I do. yeah, and it's dangerous, so you wait here." The Doctor looked to both Amy and I.

Amy looked scared, "What, so you mean I've got to stay safe down here in the middle of the London Blitz?"

The Doctor simply smiled, "Safe as it gets around me." He then left for the Tardis.

"What's he expect us to do now?" Amy looked betrayed, like she was being left again and forgotten. I patted her back.

"K B O, of course." Winston took a puff of his cigar.

"What?" KBO? Keep being oblivious?

"Keep buggering on." Wow, I was off.


Yay! I like this chapter, I had a lot of fun with it. Tell me what you think.


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