Becoming Mrs. Styles

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(Picture of Clemintine on the side)

Chapter 1

"Harry, you're late." My manager spat, his voice loud and dripping with anger. It made my hangover headache ten times worse. Instead of replying I simply just took a sip of the coffee cup in my hands.

"I was out of Tylenol." I said, sitting in the chair across from him.

"You wouldn't need any if you weren't hung-over all the time." He grumbled, messing with a pile of papers on his desk.

"I wouldn't be hung-over all the time if- no, I take that back, I would be hung-over no matter." I laughed slightly

"Harry, you have completely ruined your image, we have tried setting you up with people, giving you multiple vacations, putting you on house arrest, and even trying our best to just flat out make you look good. And yet, out of all the effort we put in, you still find a way to mess it all up." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see because of the dark sunglasses covering them.

"So. We have come to a conclusion." He smiled, which scared me, because Paul never smiled.

He slid a manila file over to me; I reluctantly flipped it open and looked at the papers in front of me. It looked like a reassume, and clipped to the top was a picture of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had long blonde hair with a slight red tent, sparkling blue eyes, and a great figure. Her skin was perfectly tanned and she didn't seem to have a flaw. She was wearing a pair of blue jean cut off shorts and tank top that looked two times to big, underneath was a bikini top.

Name; Clementine Walsh

Age; 22

Occupation; Model

"Why am I looking at this?" I asked

Paul's evil grin never left his face; he jerked his head down towards the picture on the table.

"She's pretty, isn't she?"

"She's hot, yes." I agreed

He nodded "I'm glad you think so, because this is your new fiancé."

"What?" I yelled "No, no, no, a thousand times no."

He laughed "I don't care what you say Harry, if you want to stay in the band then you will marry her, it's only for a year, then you are free to divorce her and pretend like you never met." He said.

Making someone choose between their job and their freedom is and evil, evil thing. And I would never want to be responsible for it.

I let out a defeated sigh; I loved what I did too much to give it up. Besides, this was only for a year.

"What's our story? How do you expect for the public to believe it, when just last week I had three different girls."

"You'll say that it was all for your image, you never really did anything with the girls, it was all a show, you've been dating Clementine for a year and a half now, and you two finally decided to come out and tie the knot." He explained

"How does she feel about this?" I asked

He laughed again, this time; his laugh was filled with humor.

"Oh, she hates the idea more than you do."

Clementine's POV

I was dressed for my 'date' with my new 'fiancé'. I was wearing a pair of silver skinny jeans and a red and black plaid shirt, which was tied at my belly button, showing off the black tank underneath. My hair was curled into ringlets and pulled back by a beanie.

I had never even talked to this guy, and I was suddenly supposed to be in love with him. Things were moving a little too fast if you asked me...

The paps had received an 'anonymous' tip saying Harry would be at the park, which is where we would be making our debut as a couple.

I was walking around the pond, searching for a boy who fit the description, but I couldn't find anyone. I was just about to give up and go home when a hand slipped into mine, falling into step with me.

"Please tell me you're Clementine or else this will be extremely awkward." He said, causing me to laugh.

"I'm Clementine, Clementine Walsh, nice you meet you, honey."

He scoffed "You got the ring?" He asked

I held up my left hand and showed off the sparkling jewel.

"It's a little too much bling for my taste." I said, dropping my hand back to my side.

He didn't reply, only shook his head.

"So, why are they doing this to you?" I asked

"My image needs a little fixing..." he trailed off.

"Aw, I see your going from man whore to family man in a matter of months, correct?" I smirked

"I guess you could say that." He sneered back

I saw two flashes from the corner of my eye and new that was our cue.

"Kiss me." I said, spinning around to face him. For the first time I took his features. His mess of chocolaty brown curls complimented his erotic green eyes perfectly.

"What?" He looked dumfounded

"The paparazzi is here, just kiss me." I demanded, wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling him in. His hands found their way to my waste and I ran my fingers through his hair. Snaps were sounded all around and I made sure to flash off my engagement ring. I pulled away for air and looked into his eyes.

"Should we head out?" He asked. I nodded silently and headed up the path towards his car. Questions were fired at us from every angle.

"Harry, who is she?"

"Is she having an affair?"

"How many girls have you had this week?"

Before Harry got in the car he looked at one of the paps and smiled brightly.

"Her name is Clementine, and she is my fiancée."

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