Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Clementine’s POV


“We’re pregnant.” Harry and I said at the same time, earning a disapproving look from Paul and a confused look from Simon.

“I thought this was all for show?” He turned to face Paul, who just opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

“Well, it was.” I interjected.

“Until we started liking each other and now…” Harry trailed off.

“Well, then we have to move up the wedding.” Simon said, running his hand over his face.

He pressed a button on his intercom and began barking commands.

“Terry, get a wedding dress for Miss. Walsh, one that can be… adjusted.” He said, eyeing my stomach.

“Lucy, get the venue and move up the date for November.”

“Kelli, get the wedding planner, tell her she has a little over a month, pay her double. Get Daryl to get a cake, make it three tiers, one strawberry.”

“Okay.” He turned to face us. “Now, get on the first flight to America.”

“What? Why?” Harry asked, but I knew why, and the thought made my stomach churn.

“You’re going to meet Clementine’s parents.” Simon responded, standing to his feet.

“With all due respect sir, can we uh, skip that?” I asked

Harry gave me a look, Paul rolled his eyes, and Simon sat back in his seat.


“Well, uh, they won’t, uh, approve, of Harry.”

Harry laced his fingers with mine.

“I guess that’s a risk we have to take.”


“Okay so, use big words, sit up straight at all times, and don’t tell them that you followed your dreams to become a singer, tell them you are a lawyer. And don’t mention that I’m pregnant. At all. You will die.” I instructed, as Harry took our bags from the trunk and began walking towards my parent’s front door.

“Clementine, chill, everything will be perfect.” He said, kissing my forehead.


I knocked on the door twice, before in swung open, revealing an older woman with a short blonde bob. Her blue eyes sparkled and she hardly had any wrinkles.

“Clementine, sweetie it’s great that you finally decided to come visit us. Oh, and I see you brought you’re butler!” She gushed, motioning for Harry to take the bags to my room.

“No mom, he isn’t a-“I was cut off by my father coming out from his ‘bear cave’ or as he liked to call it, the study.

“Clementine, you got here early, I assumed both your sisters would get here first, you’re always late.” He shook his head.

“Yeah, hi dad, listen-“

“Clementine!” Two high pitched voices chorused.

I closed my eyes and spun on my heel to face the door.

“Hi Tula, hi Rosie.”

“Oh, you’ve got a cute butler.” Tula winked, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

“He isn’t my butler!” I yelled, balling my fists. “He’s my fiancé.”

Louis’s POV


I sat down in the cold medal chair, before picking the phone up and holding it to my ear.

“It’s good to see you doing well.” His raspy voice said a smirk playing on his face.

“Laugh all you want.” I rolled my eyes.

“Why did you call me here?” He asked, his eyes narrowing

I slid a picture through the small gap in the glass.

“I need you find some dirt on them.”

“Clementine Walsh and Harry Styles? This is the golden couple at the moment, that shouldn’t be hard. Although from the looks of it, she’s an angel. She does charity work, volunteers at a soup kitchen; she gives half her celery to a charity for kids who can’t pay for college.”

I rolled my eyes again “Then make something up, I don’t care, I just want them ruined.”

“What they ever do to you?”

“They are the ones who put me here.”

“What do you propose I do?” He asks

And evil smile tugged on my features.

“Anything you want.”

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