Chapter 26

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Hope you enjoy Eleanor's POV! This should be very intresting...

Okay, so, tonight will be the first time I see my crush since he found out I like him. I'm scared as crap, so prayyyyy foooorrrr meeeeee, 'cause I need it.


I love you guys soooo much!

- Hayley


Chapter 25

Eleanor’s POV


I politely jerked my purse back from the guard who had been checking it, before continuing down the hall of people until I finally reached my seat, across from me was a large sheet of glass, blocking any ideas Louis would have, which I was thankful for.

My conversation with Clementine replayed in my head.

“It’s Louis’s.”

“Oh my God, no way, are you kidding me?” I asked, I was suddenly filled with anger, anger for Louis, I couldn’t believe he would do such a thing, I mean; I believed it when the cops told me, but now it all seemed real.

“Please Eleanor don’t tell anyone, Harry doesn’t even know. I don’t think Harry could love it if it wasn’t his; please don’t tell anyone, this can’t get out.”

“I promise, I won’t tell a soul.”

Movement on the other side of the glass caught my eye, as I drifted my attention to him.

“I was wondering when you would come and see me.” He smiled, leaning back in the metal chair. His hair was growing out, it looked messy. His face looked as if he hadn’t shaved in weeks, and a beard would soon be evident.

“God you look awful.” I smirked

“Well you look hot to babe, so, what brings you down here?”

“Well, I thought you deserved to know that we are officially over.” I smiled

“Oh El, don’t be dramatic, I’ll be out in ten years, you can wait, it won’t kill you.” He rolled his eyes.

“Sorry love but I’m already taken.” I bated my eyelashes


“Oh you really expect me to tell you?” I laughed “So you can become a murderer too? No thank you.”

He leaned forward slightly, his fingers tapping a beat on the desk.

“What are you really here for, Eleanor?”

I let out a shaky sigh “I just thought you deserved to know, I’m pregnant, with your baby.”

His eyes lit up, just like I imagined they would when I told him on our date, only without the orange suit.

“That’s great, do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet? If it’s a boy you have to name him after me, and bring him to see me every week, maybe he’ll look just like y-“

“Louis.” I cut him off, my voice a little louder than I had expected it to be.

“You won’t be the father, in fact, this baby, boy or girl, will not know about you at all. It will grow up thinking that Niall is the father.”

“What? You can’t do that, that baby is half mine, I have a right to that baby, El, and you can’t just take it away from me!”

“Louis you lost your right to this baby the day you decided to screw with someone else’s virginity.” I growled


“No, this conversation is over, I am beyond the point of disappointment with you Louis, I just, I don’t understand why you had to do that to Clementine?” Tears found their way to my eyes as I began trickling down slowly.

“I mean, it’s not like you weren’t getting any from me, because obviously you were, I mean, I am pregnant.” I cried “And now, thanks to your selfishness I’m not the only one who has to put up with this burden.”

I picked up my purse and swung it over my shoulder before spinning on my heel and walking away, ignoring the fact that he was calling my name.

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