Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Clementine’s POV


“Clementine, wake up love, we are at my house.” Harry cooed in my ear, taking a strand off my hair and looping it behind my ear.

“No.” I moaned, trying to fix myself into a comfy position in Harry’s rental.

Harry chuckled slightly “I already took the bags in, come on, before you freeze to death.”

“I’d rather freeze to death than wake up.” I moaned again, making him laugh a little louder. Before I could contemplate what was happing Harry reached around me and unbuckled my seat. He scooped his hands underneath my bum and lifted my up bridal style. I twisted my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his neck.

Harry carried me up the staircase, shushing each of the boys as they welcomed him back home. He kicked his bedroom door open with his foot and laid me gently on the bed.

He shut the door firmly before slipping my shoes off and laying them on the floor. He gently unbuttoned my jeans and slid them off, before sliding my pajama bottoms over my bum. He then proceeded to do the same with my shirt. It surprised me that I wasn’t afraid that we would take advantage of me in my vulnerable state. But what surprised me even more was the way I felt with him. I felt safe, like nothing could happen, and no one could get to me.

Especially Louis.

The other side of the bed dipped as Harry slid in next to me. He scooted towards me and wrapped his arms around my waste, pulling me to his chest. He kissed my forehead and began humming a song that I didn’t recognize. I started to fall back into my deep sleep, but I before I did, I heard him whisper the four words that sent my world upside down.

I love you, Clementine.


I was up all night long after Harry sleepily mumbled the ‘I love you’.

Did he mean to say that? Was someone else in the room? Is that why he said that? Does he really love me? No way, no way. Why would he love me? I was forced into his life, how could he love me?

Do I love him? I don’t know. I know I like him, yes, I like him a lot. But that’s not love. Is it? I’ve never felt this way about any guy before, could this be love?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and slid out of Harry’s warm embrace. It was almost six, and I knew I wouldn’t be falling back to sleep any time soon, so I figured I could breakfast for all the lads. After all I had been stay here more than my old house lately, so to say I owed them would be an understatement.

I wrapped my robe around my body and bounced-quietly-down the staircase. I walked into the kitchen and began pulling out bowls and ingredients, everything I needed for pancakes.

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