Chapter 9

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Last update for tonight, I'm going to bed. I'm beyond tired. SO... GOODNIGHT!

I love you guys! The comments you leave me and the votes mean the world to me! Thank you, so, so, soooo much! You are amazing!


- Hayley


Chapter 9

Harry’s POV


I kissed Clementine’s forehead and wished her to get better, before bidding her goodbye, as she and Delilah strode out to Delilah’s car.

I shut the door behind them and walked up to my room to shower. I stripped off my shirt and boxers and began stepping in to the tub, but I stopped short and looked down to the floor. On the floor laid two damp towels, and my shower wall was wet. Had Clementine taken a shower?

I mentally shrugged as I stepped into the shower and washed my body and hair with my favorite strawberry shampoo, don’t judge, the girls dig it.

I stepped out of the shower and applied a fair amount of moose to my hair, before shaking it like a dog.

I shimmied into a white T-shirt and pulled on a pair of boxer briefs, as well as a pair of jeans a button up plaid shirt.

I began walking downstairs to prepare myself some tea, when my phone started ringing.

“Hello?” I answered, not even bothering to look at the name.

“Hazza?” Clementine’s voice slurred.

“Clementine? Are you drunk?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” She giggled “Anyway, your friends with the large cameras are blocking the door, and I need to go home so I can rest up, ‘cause apparently we gotta have a meeting with Simon tomorrow.” She garbled

“Where are you?” I asked

“Bensly’s” She replied with a small burp before laughing and muttering an ‘excuse me’

“Don’t move, I’ll be right there.” I said, hanging up the phone.

I slid on my shoes and began running down the hall, only to collide with a wet-headed Louis, signaling he had just taken a shower as well.

“Where’s the fire?” He asked, rubbing his bum as I helped him back to his feet.

“Sorry Lou, I gotta go, Clementine called.” I said, leaving out the huge piece of the story where she was drunk.

“Need me to come?” He asked, something glinted in his eye that I couldn’t read.

“No, but thanks anyway, Lou!” I smiled, patting him on the shoulder as I continued on my way.


I arrived at the pub and to my surprise (note the sarcasm) Clementine was correct, the paps were everywhere.

I pushed through the crowed, ignoring the comments and questions as I opened the door to find Clementine passed out on the floor.

I scooped her up bridal styles and carried her towards the back of the building. I sat her down on the back steps and ran around the get the car. I eventually got her into the car, buckled, and back to her house and in bed in under a hour.

And Louis says he’s superman.

I was just starting to leave when Clementine’s hand grabbed mine, taking me by complete surprise.

“Harry.” She mumbled sleepily.

“Yeah, love?”

“Stay with me, please.” She muttered “I’m scared.”

I smiled at her child-like ways as I kicked off my shoes. I climbed into the large bed, looping my arms around her waist. She tensed up at first but quickly retreated into my chest. I wrapped the duvet around us, and eventually fell into a deep sleep.

A sleep full of dreams, and ideas, of what my life could be like if Clementine and I had met under different circumstances.

I probably wouldn’t have minded dating, or even marring her at all then.

If only.

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