Chapter 20

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The bridesmaids dress's are on the side, BUT THAT IS NOT CLEMENTINE'S WEDDING DRESS! SO IGNORE THAT! okay, so, As you all know The Watty's are here! So, Of course I've entered my Infinity Series, so please, please, pleaaasssseee VOTE FOR MY STORY(s) Okay, I love you guys more than you know!

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Love ya!



Chapter 20

Clementine’s POV


“Harry, I think I’m about to-“My words were cut off and I jerked my body towards the toilet as my breakfast made a reappearance.

“There goes my chances of every eating waffles again.” Harry sighed, lifting my hair and wadding it up into his hands.

“Thanks.” I muttered as I stood to my feet and took my toothbrush from the cabinet, using it to rid my mouth of the horrid taste.

“Are you making mommy sick?” Harry got down on his knees and spoke to my stomach, before placing his ear against it.

“He said to tell you-“I cut him off

“He said? Who said we were having a boy?” I asked, running a comb through my now tangled hair.

“Well it’s obvious.” Harry said, rolling his eyes. “He’s a boy, ‘cause boys make girls sick with the gross things they do, like play with frogs and stuff, he’s just starting early.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Your logic is undeniable.” I said sarcastically. “You better leave or you’ll be late.” I said, pushing him towards the door.

“Why can’t you come too?” he whined

“Because, I have to try on dresses, and choose flowers, I’ll meet you later at the cake tasting. Now go.” I demanded, shoving him out the door.

He walked me to my car and helped me in, shutting the door for me.

“I’m not going to break you know.” I smiled, once I had rolled my window down.

“I’m just looking out for my babies. Now roll that window up and turn on the heat so you don’t catch a cold or something.” He said, leaning in for a kiss.


“I don’t like that color.” I said, wincing at the ugly yellow.

“Oh thank God, ‘cause I refuse to wear this color.” Delilah said, practically running back to the dressing room to change into another dress.

“What about this one Clementine?” Jasmine, one of my friends from work, who was also one of my bridesmaids, asked, strolling out in a brown knee length dress. The straps tied around the neck and there was a diamond belt across the waist.

“No.” I shook my head.

I stood up from my spot on the white couch and began walking around, looking at the many mannequins. I had already chosen my dress; it was a simple sleeveless white dress that flowed out at the bottom. It had a long train, and the back was lace, with ruffles falling down to the bottom. Now, I was choosing the bridesmaids dresses.

“Clementine, what about these?” Delilah’s voice rang, gathering my attention. Each of the bridesmaids stood on the platform, smiles on their faces. They each were wearing the same long cranberry colored dress, it was sleeveless and looked as if it wrapped at the top. It was simple, but with the right jewelry and shoes, it would be perfect.

“I love it!” I gushed. “It’s perfect.” I turned towards the worker.

“These are the dresses I want.” She nodded and motioned for the other workers to assist her, as she and the others made adjustments for the dresses to fit my bridesmaids.


“Sorry I’m late!” I gushed as I ran into the bakery.

“I had a hard time picking flowers.” I said, planting a kiss on Harry’s lips.

“No problem love, you here now so shall we get started?” He asked. I nodded in return and we waltzed to the back. The baker showed us different cakes and icings, and different designs and techniques.

“Clementine.” Harry nudged me. I turned to face him, only for him to smash the piece of cake onto my nose.

I gasped as I wiped the cake from my nose.

“Oops.” He laughed. I picked up a piece of cake and smushed it into his hair, making his eyes narrow.

“Oh no, I know you did not just do that.” He said, taking another cake and throwing it in my direction.

“Please stop!” the baker yelled, but we ignored him and continued throwing cake at each other, until the baker went and got the manager. The manager appeared and folded his arms over his chest, staring down at us as we sat in the floor, trying to catch our breath. Harry licked some cake off of his cheek and smiled.

“We’ll take this one.”

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