Chapter 6

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*Me hiding behind a tree*


Just, read the chapter, and don't make the comments really mean, okay?

I love you!

I really, really, really do.

- Hayley


Chapter 6

Clementine’s POV



The ride back to Harry’s flat was tense. I stared out the window, watching the scenery blur by as I wiped away the tears that I couldn’t stop from spilling out.

“Clementine, we are here.” He said with a sigh. After the first thirty minutes he had given up on talking to me.

I began unbuckling my seat belt, but Harry stopped me.

“Look, this isn’t over.” He began “We will talk about this, understand?” He asked, his voice was stern and to be honest, it took me by surprise.

I nodded in agreement, trying not to be any more of a baby than I already was.

“Put on a happy face for now, I live with the boys, remember.”

I frowned, a lump formed in my throat. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Delilah, telling her I needed to be rescued.

Harry came around to attempt to open my door, but I already had it open and was sliding out when he got around. He looped his arm with mine and guided me up the steps and into the house.

“Hey Haz- Clementine, what a, uh, pleasant surprise.” Louis smiled cheekily, I knew something was off.

“Hi Louis, how are you?” I asked politely.

“Peachy.” He smiled “Excuse me.”

“What was that?” I asked Harry, who just shrugged in response.

We walked into the living room, hand in hand, earning a pause in the current conversation.

“Hi.” I squeaked, holding up my free hand, flashing my engagement ring.

“Hey, how’s the lovely couple?” Liam asked, trying to get Zayn and Niall to contribute to the banter.

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