Chapter 19

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Okay so, I didnt give a shout out on the last chapter, so, I'll give one on this one! My favorite comment on Chapter 17 was evanich1's comment, so, thank you for the sweet comment, I love getting comments from all of you! I makes me feel so happy!

Okay, so, Sorry for the short updates, today has been BEYOND crazy!


New fanfics will be out soon!

Love you guys!

(Delilah's outfit on the side)

- Hayley


Chapter 19

Clementine’s POV


“You’re marring the butler?” My sister, Rosie, made a disgusted face. She twirled a piece of her short blonde hair and furrowed her brow as much as she could with all the Botox.

“No, I mean yes, uh, he isn’t a butler.” I growled, rolling my eyes. I held Harry’s hand firmly.

“His name is Harry Styles, and he is a law-“ Harry cut me off.

“I’m a singer in the band One Direction.” He smiled, holding his hand out for my father to shake. My father eyed him, and crossed his arms, ignoring Harry’s hand shake.

“A singer? Really Clementine, you could do better than him!” My mom said with a sigh.

“Mom.” I hissed.

“I mean really, after all the work we put in for you; you just rebelled on all of our wishes!” She continued. “You didn’t go to law school, instead you moved to London and became a modal, a modal with a communications degree, what on earth can you do with a communications degree?”

“Lots of things!” I defended myself.

“I bet you don’t even love him, I mean how could you? Look at him! All those tattoos, and that hair, gosh, he looks like a sheep dog!” She declared. “How could he provide for you and my future grandchildren? Oh, no, you can’t have kids with him; just imagine what they would look like! And what if they didn’t get all your traits, they could be stupid! It’s not too late for you to marry Adam.” She finished, putting her hands on my shoulders.  My face was red, Harry’s eyes were wide, and I was about to burst.

 “For your information, mother, I love Harry very, very, much. And guess what, I love his hair, and trust me, he can provide for me and my kids better than you and dad ever could, you know why? Not just because he’s got a good job but because he will make an amazing father, and he will be nothing like you!” I yelled “And you won’t be having grandkids, I’ll have kids, yes, but you won’t have grandchildren. And they would be lucky to be half as handsome and smart as Harry!” I yelled back. I grabbed Harry’s hand and grabbed out suitcases.

“Goodbye, you are all formally uninvited to my wedding.” I slammed the door. I opened it one more time to get one, last, final word.

“By the way, I am pregnant,  and it’s Harry’s.”

“Are you okay?” Harry asked once we were situated in the car.

“Yeah.” I lied “Are you?”

“A little shocked, but yeah.” He smiled slightly, lacing his fingers with mine.

“So, should we get a hotel?”

Delilah’s POV

(A/N I know this isn’t her story but I thought, hey, why not?)


I finished curling my hair, letting the perfect ringlets fall over my shoulders. My makeup was light, a little foundation, some mascara and a little lip gloss. I was wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans, a cranberry sweater, a pair of black boots and my favorite winter coat.

Well, none of this (except the coat) was actually mine, it was all Clementine’s. But, since she was out of town with Harry for the weekend, I crashed at her place. Mostly because I live with three other models and they are all airheads, jerky airheads.

A knock on the door made a smile form on my lips.

“Hey gorgeous.” He smiled, leaning against the doorway.

“Hey Zayn.” I smiled back, looping my arm with his.

“Shall we go?” He asked, guiding me towards the elevator.

“Of course.”

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