Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Clementine’s POV


“Louis, what are you doing?” I asked my eyes wide.

Louis didn’t respond, he only kissed me again, this time much harder. He grabbed my but, making me gasp, letting him slip his tongue into my mouth.

He spun me around and laid me onto the bed, he began taking his clothes off as well as mine.
“No!” I yelled, trying to wake the others, something, and anything, to get him off of me.

I kicked my legs, flailed my arms, I even tried to head butt him.

“Shut up.” He snarled “The walls are sound proof, so we can rehearse.” He laughed “No one can hear you.” He whispered in my ear.

He slid my bra and panties off, making me feel very exposed. I was used to walking down the runway in next to nothing, but this was different. I wasn’t used to feeling insecure, and I didn’t like it.

Louis slipped his boxers off. I looked to the wall, anything to get my mind off of what was fixing to happen. I dreaded it, believe it or not I was still a virgin, and I had planned on saving it for marriage.

I closed my eyes and prayed that I could die, as his hands roamed my naked body.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.

I blacked out.


I woke up in Louis bed, naked, with a naked Louis lying on top of me.

I looked at the clock on the side table, hoping someone would come looking for me.


I squirmed, trying my best to get out from underneath Louis. Once I had successfully wriggled out from beneath him, I fell to the floor, my legs being too weak to hold me up. I crawled around the room, gathering my pieces of clothes that were scattered around the room.

I put my clothes back on and ran down the hall to Harry’s room, locking the door firmly behind me. I ran into his bathroom, stripping my clothes off and jumping into his shower. I turned the water on as hot as it would go, trying to burn the disgusting feeling off of my body.

I scrubbed my hair, my arms, my legs, my stomach, everything I could scrub, I scrubbed. Twice.

Eventually I scuttled out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my hair; I used another towel to dry off my body. I put my underwear back on, as well as my tank- which had dried- and my pajama pants.

I brushed my hair and braided it again, before sneaking back into the living room, and laid back on the couch, in between Delilah and Harry. I laid there, in the dark, feeling completely alone, even though I was surrounded by people.

I covered my face with Harry’s blanket, and cried.

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