Chapter 28

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This is short, sorry, I'm hungry and my mum just finished supper, SO ENJOY!

Picture of Harry on the side

Song on the side

Love you



Chapter 27

Clementine’s POV


“Wake up ugly, it’s time to get ready for your wedding!” Delilah yelled loudly into a megaphone, making me fall off the bed.

I had stayed at her house last night so Harry and I would see each other before the wedding, which was today.

I was getting married today.

It wasn’t real, yes, I loved him, but I’m not sure I was ready for marriage with him, ya know, real marriage.

“Shower, now! Harry doesn’t want a stinky wife lets go, let’s go, move it move it move it!” She continued yelling into the megaphone as I slowly tiptoed to the bathroom to shower.

What if this was real? What would you change, if you got to do the wedding YOUR way?

Would it be this big? Because this is huge? Would you choose the dress you got? What about the colors? And the cake? The catering?

I got out of the shower to be greeted by Lou, who would be doing my hair and makeup. She sat me down and began working her magic while Delilah did the other girls hair and makeup.

Do you think Harry actually wants to marry you? Will he still get a divorce when our one year is up? What will that do for the baby? Oh the baby, will you tell him or her that Harry isn’t it’s real father? Will you tell it that Eleanor’s baby is its sibling?

Will you ever tell Harry the truth? What if it comes out looking exactly like Louis and you have to live with that for the rest of your life?

“Earth to Clementine?” Lou waved her hand in my face.

“Oh sorry, I zoned out.”

“Yeah, you’ve been ‘zoned out’ for five hours love, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, just nervous.” I nodded

She nodded and smiled understandingly “Well, let’s get into your dress, we have one hour until the wedding!” She clapped.

Oh my gosh, it’s really happening.

I’m fixing to be Mrs. Styles.

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