Chapter 16

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Dedicated to liveelou_12 becuse they left my favorite comment!

Picture of the house on the side!

For the next few chapters i'll post pictures of the rooms in the house, living room, kitchen, bedroom... you get it! Okay, so, enjoy!

I may also starting posting songs, they may not always go along with the chapter, but who cares.

Love you guys!


(Leave a comment and i'll choose my favorite and give you a dedication)

- Hayley


Chapter 16

Clementine’s POV


I let out a sigh as I rested my head on the white pillow. Everything around me was a dull shade of white, except for the bouquet of tulips that Harry got me, which sat next to me on the night stand. After the incident Simon insisted that I be admitted to the hospital, so they could run a few tests and everything. That was yesterday, today, depending on the test results, I may get to go home.

Harry had left to go home and shower, eat, and bring me a change of clothes. He hadn’t left my side since we arrived here, and to be honest, I was grateful. I hate hospitals.

“Miss. Walsh.” The doctor knocked on the door, dragging my attention from Harry’s flowers to meet his dull hazel eyes. He looked as if he had been up all night.

“That’s me.” I smiled politely.

The doctor nodded and came closer towards me, before sitting in the chair that Harry had claimed as his.

“Well, you seem to be perfectly fine, other than the bruise on your stomach and cheek, you are in perfect condition.” He smiled.

“We have gotten the information from support groups if you would like-“I cut him off

“No thank you sir, I won’t need a support group. I know this wasn’t my fault.” I said, my eyes falling down to my finger nails.

“Okay.” He smiled “But one more thing, would you like for me to wait for your fiancé for this?” He asked, pointing towards the door.

I shook my head with a furrowed brow.

He just said I was healthy, what more is there?

“Miss. Walsh, you’re pregnant.”


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