Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Clementine’s POV


I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and moved the blanket away from my face, so I could get a breath of air. I had been crying for what felt like forever, and my head was beginning to pound.

“Good morning, love, did I wake you?” Harry asked, stretching out his large limbs. His hand brushed against my waist and I tensed.

Harry wouldn’t hurt me.

Well, idiot, you didn’t think Louis would hurt you either, did you?

“No, you didn’t.” I whispered.

“You okay? You don’t look so good.” He said, furrowing his brow

“That’s not nice.” Delilah said, adjusting herself so she could sit up straight.

“I meant that in the nicest way possible.” Harry recovered.

“Actually, I feel horrid. Would be mad if I got Lilah to drive me home?” I asked, feeling another wave of tears beginning to form.

“No, no, no, of course not, you go right ahead.” He smiled lightly, standing to his feet and holding a hand out to each of us.

He pulled us both up with ease, and guided us over the mountains of sleeping lads, well, it was three lads, and it was more like a doggie pile.

“Feel better soon, yeah?” Harry smiled, kissing me on the forehead.

“I will thank you.” I said, before practically running out the door.

“Harry’s such a gentlemen.” Delilah smiled, as she started the car and turned the heat on full blast. I nodded in agreement. I bit my lip as hard as I possibly could, trying my very best to hold in the tears that were beginning to form.

“So, do you want to go grab some breakfast?” Delilah asked

“No.” I shook my head “I seriously feel awful, could you please just take me home?” I asked, as politely as I possibly could.

“Okay.” Delilah said in a weary tone “Do you want me to stay with you?” She asked nicely

“No, you go ahead, I’m sure you have stuff to do.” I said, as the car pulled closer to my building.

“Are you sure?” She asked

“Yeah, I’m just going to take some aspirin and go back to bed, anyway.” I smiled. She nodded and gave me a hug before I got out of the car and walked towards the apartment building.

Once I was inside I let the tears spill out. I grabbed a bottle of aspirin and swallowed two, before climbing into my bed and covering myself up. I let the tears flow as the events of last night kept playing over, and over in my head.

I made up my mind right then and there that I needed to forget. And I honestly didn’t care how.


I jogged across the street and into the pub, letting the warm air fill me up, making me ache slightly. I shimmied out of my coat and scarf and hung them on the rack by the door, before sitting on the barstool and calling the barista in my direction.

“Can I have four shots, pronto?”

The guy gave me a look, before pouring the liquid into some shot glasses.

“You are aware that it’s only ten thirty, right?” He asked, handing me the glasses

“Yeah, I know.” I said, downing the first two.

“Rough night?” He asked, pouring one for himself.

I laughed humorlessly “You have no idea.”

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