Chapter 25

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Uh oh, trouble in paradise! I'm starting to feel bad for Clementine and Harry, aren't you? I mean really, they aren't going to be able to catch a break!

(I know after what happens in Louis's POV it looks like Eleanor is a 'bad girl' and trying to break up the marriage but she is not, that girl will come later)

Okay, so I got a new puppy and he is so cute and litte, but he won't stop whining.

TODAY IS HALLOWEEN!!!!! Which means tomorrow is my Halloween party! I'm so excited, and I plan on telling my crush that I have feelings for him. Let's just hope I can go through with it....


Also if you want a good Harry Styles fan-fic, read New York, it's awesome and I loved it sooo much. But the sequel (The Journals) made me cry so much, it's not even funny.

Alrighty, Love you guys!

- Hayley


Chapter 24

Louis’s POV


“What did you find out?” Were the first words that came out of my mouth as soon as he sat down across the thin glass.

“Well, you’re little whore, Clementine, is pregnant.”

“And let me guess, it’s Harry’s?”


“Or at least that’s what they are saying. Do you think you can find out if it’s really his?”

“I’m a P.I, not a miracle worker, but I’ll see what I can do.”

“Oh, and I have one more proposition for you.” I said, leaning forward slightly.


“I’ll pay you double if you can break them up.”

“How am I supposed to do that? I’m a decent looking guy and all, but I don’t think that will swing well with her, I mean, she is pregnant.”

“This isn’t time for sarcasm, idiot. Hire a girl and have her flirt with Harry, make Clementine think he’s cheating, I don’t know. But in the girl you choose she can’t be too much of a slut, just leave a little for his imagination, okay? Make her sweet; maybe make her have some common interests.”

“What would these interests be?”

“Google it, he’s famous.” I rolled my eyes. He stood up to leave, adjusting his tie as he did so.

“Oh, by the way. The happy couple has sent out wedding invitations, I’m surprised you didn’t get one.” He laughed as he walked out.


Clementine’s POV



“I’m so sorry; I still get emotional when I talk about him.” Eleanor, Louis, obviously ex, girlfriend said. She had come to visit and apologize for Louis actions, knowing that there was no way she could make up for it; she just wanted me to feel better. And I honestly did.

“Uhm, Harry, could you give us some time please?” I asked kindly.

“Yeah, I’ll go to the boy’s flat for a while.” He said, kissing my forehead. He mumbled a bye to Eleanor before grabbing his coat, keys, and phone and walking out the door.

“I really am so sorry, I don’t want to try and justify what he did because I know it was wrong, but he wasn’t always like that, he was a gentlemen I promise he was such a  good guy.” She cried. “We were going to get married in June.” She said, laughing without humor. She showed me the sparkling ring on her hand.

“I just can’t take it off; it reminds me of the old him. And I miss him so much.”

“Eleanor, you deserve someone so much better.” I said, resting my hand on hers.

She grabbed my hand and held it tightly as she cried.

“How far along are you?” She asked as she wiped away her tears.

“One month.” I nodded with a smile.

“I’m two.” She laughed.

“You’re pregnant too?”

“Yeah, that’s one thing that makes this so hard. I hadn’t even gotten a chance to tell Louis yet, I was planning on it, the day he was arrested, we were going out that night.” She said, her tears falling again.

“Eleanor.” I sighed. “If I tell you something, you promise not to tell anyone else?”

She nodded her head, using a tissue to dab her eyes.

“My baby isn’t Harry’s.” I said, and her eyes widened as she pieced the pieces together.

“It’s Louis’s.”

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