Chapter 13

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Enjoy this update! I know its late, and I know I promised to update sooner, so, I made this long to make it up to you! This is what you have all been waiting for! Harry reveals his feelings! Well, to himself... LOL

Read on!



- Hayley


Chapter 13

Clementine’s POV


My leg bounced up and down, bumping into Harry every once in a while. I nibbled on my pointer finger nail, while my left hand tapped obnoxiously on the console.

“Clementine, will you chill? My parents are going to love you!” Harry reassured.

“Yeah.” I snorted “Until they realize we aren’t a real couple.”

My chest ached when I said that. I wanted to be a real couple. I wanted this to be real, a real relationship with Harry. But that honestly sounded too good to be true.

Harry’s hand found mine and he gave me an encouraging squeeze.

“They will love you.” He said, his green orbs meeting mine for a split second before they returned to the road.

“Promise?” I asked, holding my pinky out.

A small smile tugged on his lips as he stuck his pinky out, looping it with mine.

 “I Promise.”


“You must be Clementine!” a gorgeous woman appeared at the door before Harry even knocked. She wrapped me in a hug, and my eyes bulged. I hugged her back, despite the fact that I wasn’t really a hugger.

“Gosh, you’re even prettier than Harry described!” She gushed, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. I narrowed my eyes at Harry playfully, only to see him blush.

Did Harry really think I was pretty? Was this for the act?

“Robin will be home from work soon, Harry, take the bags to your room.” Anne instructed. Harry rolled his eyes before dragging our bags up the staircase, mumbling a ‘love you too, mum.’

“So, how long have you and Harry been dating?” She asked, making me realize something. Harry hadn’t told them.

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