Chapter 27

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One day away from the big wedding!!!

EEEEK, are you excited?

Will this wedding be for real? Or will Harry's little slip make this love bubble burst?



P.S I know you don't care about this but I'm going to tell you anyway- NEXT SATURDAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO SNOW!! AAGH It's only Nov 6th and it's already cold enough for snow! My life is complete!

So, continue reading!

- Hayley

Picture of Harry on the side

Song to go along with the chapter!


Chapter 27

Clementine’s POV


“Promise no strippers?” I stuck out my bottom lip, trying to pull off my best puppy-dog-look.

Harry let out a laugh, before his green eyes met mine, once he realized I was serious he nodded. “I promise.”

“Pinky promise?” I asked, sticking my finger out like a child.

“On one condition.” He moved his hands to my stomach. “You promise not to drink.”

“I guess I can live with that.” I sighed, a smile tugging on my lips. Harry wrapped his pinky around mine, nodding slightly.

“Then I promise.”

“Oy, love birds, break it up will you? We got a party to get to!” Niall hollered from the limo.

“Go, have fun.” I rolled my eyes, pushing him away. Harry pressed his lips onto mine, before running off towards the limo, which was filled with Niall, obviously, Liam, Zayn, Josh, Ed and some other guy I didn’t know, but whatever, it was his bachelor party.

I waltzed back into the house.

“Okay, they are gone, let’s get this party started!” I screamed, before flipping the lights off and the strobe light on. Delilah turned on the disco ball, Eleanor turned on the black light.

You see, the boys, (Harry, Niall, Zayn and Liam) Made a bet, saying their party would be a thousand times better than ours, so, because two of us were pregnant and the other one of us wasn’t ready to be pregnant, we decided going clubbing wasn’t a good idea. So, we were going to make it look like we had a blast, just to make the lads jealous.

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