Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Clementine’s POV


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, and ringing, and ringing.

“Turn the darn thing off already!” Delilah yelled from her spot under the piles of blankets and pillows.

“Hello?” Gosh, my morning voice sounded awfully scratchy.

“What are you doing?” Harry asked, his voice read annoyance.

“I was sleeping.” I replied, rolling my eyes.

“Did you not get the texts from management? You are supposed to spend the day with me and then spend the night at my place.” He growled

“Like I said, Harry, I was sleeping!” I hissed back

“Whatever, get ready, I’m picking you up in thirty.”

“That’s not enough time, where are we even going?” I yelled

“Guess you should learn to read your messages.” He said. I could just picture him with that goofy, evil grin. God, how I hated that grin.

I jumped up and ran to the shower, I yelled for Lilah to pick me out some clothes while I quickly washed my hair, body and shaved. Shaving quickly is not a good idea; I do not recommend it for anybody. It ultimately results in you cutting yourself.

I shimmied into my underwear and put on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a long grey tank, and then slithered into a crème colored sweater, matched with my favorite grey scarf and a pair of crème UGGs. (A/N, Outift on the side!)

I braided my wet hair into a side braid, letting a few strands of my long blonde hair fall onto my shoulders.

Delilah did my makeup, she did a natural look with a light coat of foundation, some winged eyeliner and mascara. She had just finished whisking another coat of mascara onto my eyelashes when the door bell rang.

Delilah answered the door while I grabbed my purse, stuffing my phone, keys, and wallet inside.

“Hi.” Harry smiled, leaning against the doorway.

Delilah rolled her eyes “Clementine, you fiancé is here.” She said, putting an emphasis on the ‘fiancé’ part of her sentence.

“Hey Harry.” I smiled slightly, ignoring the fact that he was trying to get me to kiss him. “Lilah, lock up for me, okay?” I smiled sweetly.

“Have fun, I’ll bring you some clothes to his flat later.” She said in a sing-song tone, shutting the door firmly.

“Who is she?” Harry asked, looping arms with me and leading me to the car.

“My best friend, Delilah.”

“She’s hot.”

“Let me remind you, that you’re taken, sweetheart.” I said, squeezing his arm. He smiled a sarcastic smile.

“Not by choice, sweetheart.”


The day was full of events, we caught a film, ate at a semi fancy restaurant, went for a walk in the park, made sure paparazzi saw us, went to the mall. We really didn’t have anything planned. And none of that would have been so bad, had things not been so awkward with me and Harry. I was on edge about the whole ‘not by choice’ thing. I know he didn’t choose this, but he hurt to think he wasn’t enjoying it, even a little. I mean, I’m against this just as much as him. But am I that much of a nuisance?

“Hey, why don’t you sit here for a moment?” Harry said, gesturing to some benches that were placed in different parts of the mall.

“I need to go to the lavatory.” He said in a childlike manor.

“Okay, babe.” I said, loudly enough for the couple walking by to hear.

He nodded and scurried away, doing some type of odd dance as he walked.

While I was waiting I decided to search Twitter some more. I didn’t enjoy seeing the rude comments about myself, but I was curious as to what people thought of me. Do I really come off as a slut? Do I dress like one? I didn’t think I wore that much makeup.

Tears began welling in my eyes again, as I scrolled through the comments. I was so caught up in the drama that I never even knew that Harry had returned.

“Clementine, what’s wrong?” He asked, sitting next to me.

I tried to hide my phone screen, but he ripped it from my grasp. His face turned red with anger. He stood up and began stomping towards the parking lot.

“Harry!” I yelled. “Harry!”

He didn’t even slow down. I ran ahead, trying to get him to stop, but it was as if I wasn’t even there.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” He asked, making me freeze.

“Why would I?” I asked “You have better things to do than worry about me.”

“Clementine, this is ridiculous, you don’t deserve this. I’ll call Simon and we can-“

“You can what?” I cut him off “You can send a message to all of your ‘amazing fans’? Asking them to be nice to the girl who is basically using you to boost her image?” I asked, tears streaming down my face. “Yeah, they will sure love me then.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about all the hate?” He asked again, his voice rising with his temper.

“You’re not my boyfriend Harry!” I yelled. “It’s not your job to look after me. I can do it myself.” I said stubbornly, taking the phone from his hands. I stomped the rest of the way towards the car, ignoring him calling my name.

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