Chapter 24

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This is just a filler chapter, THE WEDDING IS ALMOST HERE! AAAHHH

Will Louis find a way to ruin it? Will thier secret get out? Will it be a boy, or a girl? What will they name it? AH The suspense is killiing me!

LOL, not really, 'cause I know what's gonna happen ;)


(Picture of the nursery on the side)

Okay, so, I need help. Should I go to London for my senior trip, or New York? I need help because they both sound so amazing, and if I really enjoy it, I'll be moving there! So, Help me out here!


Also, vote and comment telling me which place (New York or London) and tell me why you think I should go there! Person with a the best comment will get a dedication!

Love you guys!

- Hayley


Chapter 24

Clementine’s POV


Harry stopped at the door of the hospital, making my wheelchair lurch forward slightly.

“Sorry.” He mumbled. “There is no way we can get this through that crowed.”

“I can try to walk.” I said, attempting to stand to my feet, only to be pushed back down.

“You aren’t walking; you’ve been put to bed rest, which means you aren’t lifting a finger for the next week.” Delilah said, giving Harry a glare.

Harry ignored Delilah’s comment and rolled his eyes slightly, making me giggle. He picked me up, carrying me bridal style. Delilah took off her leather jacket, which smelt like Zayn, and draped it over my face to block me from the cameras.

“Clementine, is it true that Harry beats you?”

“Are you getting married just because you’re pregnant?”

“Is this child even Harry’s?”

“Is this all some publicity stunt?”

“Harry, where is Louis?”

We ignored the comments as Harry sat me in the back seat of a black SUV. He shut the door and walked to the other side, before letting himself in. Delilah climbed into the passenger seat and Zayn got in the driver seat.

“You okay?” He asked me, I just nodded in response, handing Delilah back her jacket.

“Are you?”

He nodded, lacing his hands with mine. Delilah had her hand interlocked with Zayn’s, making me feel happy. It felt good knowing Delilah was happy. Delilah was more of my family than my real family, so it felt good to see something good happen to her.

“Oh, Clem, when are you having a baby shower?” Delilah asked, spinning around in her seat.

“I hadn’t even thought of that, the wedding is less than a month away, I don’t have time for a baby shower.” I said, shaking my head.

She nodded a glint in her eye. I knew I would be getting a baby shower, even if I had to cancel my honeymoon to get it. Delilah would make sure her ‘god-son/daughter’ had everything.


“How’s my baby boy doing?” Harry asked in a high pitched voice, rubbing my belly.

It had been a week since the incident and I was still on bed rest and my butt and back were beginning to ache. I needed to walk around, but Harry would hardly let me up to pee.

“I’m telling you, it’s going to be a girl.” I said, rolling my eyes. He lifted my shirt, showing my stomach.

“I’m leaning towards Aiden or Harry Junior.”

“My child will not be named anything Junior, period.” I said, shutting the book I was reading and sitting up straighter.

“Well I also like Levi, and Ethan.” Harry said, resting his head on my belly. He liked pressing his ear against my stomach; he said he could hear the baby moving. I’m pretty sure it was just gas though…

“Well, I like the names Candice, and Charlotte.” I smiled, rubbing my belly.

“Those aren’t good boy names.”

“Okay, whatever, we could call her Charlie if you are so hooked on having a boy.” I rolled my eyes.

“If it was a girl she would be named Darcy, but it won’t be a girl, so we don’t have to worry about that.” He smiled, leaning against the headboard.

“Do we want to wait until we find out the gender to do the nursery or should we do somthin’ that’s unisex?” I asked, pulling my laptop onto my lap to look for ideas for baby rooms.

“We could do it now, do you have any ideas?”

“I like this.” I said, showing Harry a picture on my Pinterest board.

It was grey and yellow owl themed nursery, and it was perfect. Yellow could be a boy or girl color, and who doesn’t like owls?

“Cute, I’ll call someone tomorrow.” Harry nodded towards the picture, before sliding off the bed.

“I’ll bring you dinner in a bit!” He called from the hall.

I let out a sigh before reopening my book.

 I felt content, I felt happy.

But I also felt like I was being watched.

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