Chapter 30

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Okay everyone... I have an anoucment.

THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER...... of this book.

Okay, so this is how it's going to go, this is the last chapter of this book and I will be posting a sequal TOMORROW! If you like this book, the next one will be even better!

Louis will be seeking revenge, on Clementine and Harry as well as on Eleanor and Niall

Just to clear things up- Eleanor and Niall are together- in the next book they will be married, I meant to put that in this book but I totally forgot. So-

Tomorrow that will be posted, hope you enjoy!

This chapter is short, just because I needed a filler.


Love you guys!


Chapter 30

Clementine’s POV


“Watch the head, watch the head.” I laughed as Harry attempted to carry me into- wherever we were.

“We aren’t even to the door yet.” He laughed

“Well I’m sorry; if you would let me take this darn blindfold off I might be able to see!” I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

“Only a few more steps….” He trailed off.

He finally set me down onto what felt like a bed, before slowly taking the blindfold away from my eyes.

Instead of leaning in for a kiss, like he obviously thought I would, I jumped up and ran towards the window, trying to figure out our destination.

“Is that a volcano?” I asked, my voice leaking excitement.

“Yes.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

“Are we in Hawaii?”

“How’d you guess?” He asked, pulling away and scrunching his brow.

I pointed to the ‘Welcome to Maui’ sign across the road.

“Oh.” He said, his cheeks turning to the slightest tent of red. I giggled and pulled him over, planting a kiss on his lips.

“I’m tired.” I said after I pulled away.

“Me too.”

“Let’s go to bed.”

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down, pulling me over.

“Not that way, you dork.” I laughed, pulling away.

We changed into our pajamas, made out one more time, and then turned the lights off, but I couldn’t fall asleep, my thoughts were clouded.

Should I tell Harry about the baby? Would he be mad at me?

The last thing I want is for Harry to not love the baby.

It isn’t the baby’s fault that Louis was such a horrible person.

Harry’s arm looped around my waist, pulling me close to him.

My thoughts and doubts disappeared as one last thought floated aimlessly around in my brain.

I am no longer Miss. Clementine Walsh

I am officially Mrs. Clementine Styles.

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