Chapter 23

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I hope you enjoy the drama in this chapter. I know you like drama. No? You don't? Oh, sorry, I guess thats just me >.< Alrighty, VOTE<COMMENT<REPEAT!
Why? Because even though I'm dramatic, YOU LOOOVVVEEE ME!

Dedicated to Allison_Bernt for being the first commenter! WHOOP WHOOP! Yes, that was for you, 'cause you are awesome!

Please enjoy this picture of Liam on the side, be sure to soak in his hotness before you're day begins. It may make your day a little better Just kidding, It can't do that. But it would be cool if it did.

Listen to the song on the side for some extra feels!

Alrighty, ENJOY


- Hayley


Chapter 23

Harry’s POV


“I think I’m losing the baby.”

Those six word were enough knock me out of it. I completely zoned out. I sat down in the bathroom floor and ducked my head in between my legs as I let my tears fall freely. Clementine didn’t need this right now, she needed me to be strong. For her and the baby.

The baby.

My baby.

Could be dead.

And I’m not doing anything about it.

“Harry, do you hear me?” Clementine winced as the words came out of her mouth.

“What?” Was all I could say, her face was slightly blurry from the tears that blurred my vision.

“Harry we have to get to the hospital, or I could die too.”

I heard what she said, but it wouldn’t register with my mind. I couldn’t get my body to move.

Her mouth continued moving, she was crying, but I couldn’t hear her.

I was in complete and utter shock.

I may have just lost my baby and my wife.

And I’m not even married yet.

Clementine’s POV

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