Chapter 3

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(Picture of Delilah on the side)

(She will be in later chapters) 

Chapter 3

Clementine’s POV



The room was silent at those four words. Betrayal, hurt, surprise, shock, anger, confusion. I saw each of those emotions tugging on each of the four lads features.

I flipped my long blonde hair over my shoulder and let it fall to the top of my bum.


“You are aware that you have to like, date and stuff before marriage, right?”

“Oh God Harry, did you get her pregnant?”

“You’re serious? We must be getting pranked or something.”

“Guys! Shut up and let me explain!” Harry yelled, letting go of my hand to wave his around, making him seem slightly crazed.

Each of the guys, dejectedly, obeyed, sitting themselves back onto the sofas and starring at the two of us intently.

Harry let out a shaky breath and reconnected our hands. It wasn’t forceful like only moments before, instead it seemed to be a timid move. He seemed afraid, afraid of judgment from the four lads whose opinions he cared for most. And I could tell it was killing him not to tell the truth, and the lie had only just begun. Hopefully when this was all over, they would understand. If they ever found out the truth. This may be something Harry and I take to the grave.

Seconds passed and Harry still hadn’t said a word, and an awkward silence was starting to evolve. I cleared my throat and stood next to Harry, my legs feeling like Jell-O under my weight.

“Harry and I met about six months ago.” I began, only to be cut off by Harry.


I rolled my eyes and gave him a look “No, it was six, because I remember, I was there.” I said, sticking my tongue out, it looked to be a playful, flirty move, but I was meaning it out of spite.

“I was there too!” He said in a duh tone. I was just about to continue our playful banter when we were interrupted by Louis clearing his throat and motioning the story on.

“Anyway, about six or seven months ago we met; we clicked instantly, well, as instant as pouring hot tea on someone can be.” I pretended to narrow my eyes at Harry, who held up his hands in surrender, playing along perfectly. I suddenly found myself wishing we had come up with a story before we had waltzed in.

“I was sitting there at Starbucks, reading a book, I thought I had seen Harry looking at me from the corner of my eye, but I didn’t want to look just in case he was, so I kept my eyes trained on the page of my book. I only got to read the same sentence about five times though, because I was so distracted by the mass of curls this lad had. I wanted nothing more to touch one, and I actually contemplated doing so. Eventually, I picked up my mug of tea to take a sip, and about that time he came bouncing over, tripped over his own two feet, collided with me, and spilt tea and coffee all over the both of us. And ruined my book.”

“And what? You guys decided you were in love?” Zayn asked in disbelief.

“No, but we did start talking, he took me out the night after to repay me for the ruined clothes and book, and we picked up from there.” I said with a small smile, rubbing circles on Harry’s hand.

“So why didn’t you tell us?” Liam asked

“Simon wouldn’t let me.” He answered simply

“Oh bull!” Louis yelled, taking us all my surprise “Since when have you even obeyed Simon’s orders?”

Harry looked down “Since he threatened to pull me from the band for a while.” He muttered. Louis went silent, as did the others.

“Harry, I’m sorry. I’m happy for you and Clementine, I just, I’m honestly a little hurt you never told us.” Niall said “But, that being said, I also understand why you didn’t.” He finished, patting Harry on the back.

“Yeah, me too.” Zayn said, following Niall’s actions.

Liam sighed and smiled at Harry muttering a ‘me too’.

All eyes were on Louis, he stood with his arms over his chest, I connected my eyes with him and pulled my best puppy look, trying my very best to seem desperate, which in reality, I was. It broke my heart to see Harry like this, even if it was all for show, and even if we weren’t really together.

Louis nodded and dropped his hands, before coming over and smashing us all into a group hug.

“Okay, you’re forgiven, but you both still have a lot of talking to do.” He said.

Cue the nausea.

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