Chapter 15

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Last update for now, I need to shower and stuffff. So, enjoy!


I'll pick my favorite comment on this chapter and give you a dedication!

Love you guys!

- Hayley


Chapter 15

Harry’s POV


“Louis is getting way to touchy with Clementine.” Zayn said in hushed tone, making Niall drop his fork.

“What are you talking about?” I asked. I was suddenly full of anger, but I couldn’t decide if I was mad at Louis for possibly being touchy with my fiancé, even if it’s not for real, or if I was mad at Zayn for accusing my best friend of such a thing.

“He’s done something to her to make her terrified of him, and he was all over her this morning. I caught him, which is why he isn’t here today.” Zayn said, gesturing to the table we were seated at.

“Do you have any proof?” Liam asked, wrinkling his brow.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, but I ignored it, as I watched the video on Zayn’s phone. I could feel my face heating up with each second.

“Why didn’t she tell me?” I asked angrily once the video was over.

“She was probably afraid you wouldn’t believe her over Louis, to be honest I feared the same thing, even with the video.” Zayn shrugged.

My phone kept buzzing, but I was too mad to talk to anyone right now.

“So, what are we going to do?” Niall asked

“Louis broke everything that we stand for, I say we take him to Simon and consider taking him out of the band.” Zayn suggested.

“No.” I butted in. “I say we call the police, let them have him, and never let him see the light of day again.”

Liam rolled his eyes “Okay, we will discuss this with Simon, but first we need to keep Clementine away from Louis.”

“That’s going to be an issue.” I sighed, reading the messages on my phone. “She’s on her way to our house right now.”

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