Chapter 12

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Last update for now, depending on what time I get home tonight I'll try to update again... It may be tomorrow. If you want a dedication comment a couple name idea for Clementine and Harry!

This chapter is dedicated to Melanie_Perez, for being the first commentier on the previous chapter!

(Clementine's outfit on the side)


I love you!

- Hayley


Chapter 11

Clementine's POV

I knew I should be sleeping, our flight left at four in the morning so we could avoid fans, but I was scared. Yes, Harry's arm was wrapped comfortably around my waist, but I was still scared. Louis had just gotten home. How did I know? Car head lights had shined through Harry's blue curtains, and then only moments later the front door slammed, followed by his footsteps up the staircase, which were currently lingering in front of Harry's door. The door slowly creaked open, and I buried my head in Harry's chest, closing my eyes tightly. Harry moved slightly, pulling me closer to him. Louis's hand stroked my hair for a moment, before he kissed my neck gently, and then leaving the room.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, finally feeling a little peace. He had come and gone, and I was still here, in Harry's arms, perfectly safe.

I eventually let the soft sound of Harry's snore, lull me to sleep.


I pulled my white sweater over my head, letting it fall onto my red tribal print leggings. I looped my red infinity scarf around my neck and adjusted the ties on my shoes, before pulling my hair into a high ponytail. I didn't bother with much makeup, only a light coat of foundation and a little mascara.

"You ready?" Harry asked, handing me a Starbucks cup and bag.

"White chocolate mocha-"Harry cut me off

"And lemon cake, yes, now stop lollygagging or we will be late." He said

"Thank you!" I yelled, earning a small wave.

Something I've recently learned about Harry; He is not a morning person.


We ran through the terminal, shoving our way through crowds of people. It's insane how many people are actually at the airport this early in the morning?

"Hurry up, Clementine!" Harry growled, pulling my wrist.

"My bag is heavy!" I hissed back, trying to keep up with his pace.

He rolled his eyes and took my bag from my grasp, before scooping me up on his back. We continued rushing towards the gate, getting their just in time. I handed the lady our tickets and we boarded the plane, Harry set me down gently once we were inside.

Ah, I love first class.

"Thank you." I smiled sweetly, taking my bag while he put his in the overhead compartment.

"You're welcome." He said, before taking mine and putting it in its place as well.

"So, what should I know about your mom?" I asked

Harry gaped "You mean you haven't googled me yet?"

"What? No, why, have you googled me?" I asked, scrunching my brow.

"Maybe..." He trailed off.

"Fine, I'll just ask Twitter."

@ClementineWalsh: 'Going to meet Harry's parents, anything special I should know?'

I instantly got hundreds of replies, most of them were things like her name, and stuff, but some of the things were like; Yeah, you should know when to back off and leave Harry alone, you little slut.

I cringed, and Harry noticed. He took the phone from my hand and turned it off, before sliding it into his pocket.

"What did I say about reading hate?" He asked, narrowing his eyes

I rolled my eyes and leaned on Harry's shoulder.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

"Don't be, I've got you. And I won't let anything happen to you, I'll protect you."

"Promise?" I asked


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