Chapter 15

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Zara walked over to Ayaan who was sitting on stands. She sat next to him asking, "What happened? Where were you last couple of days? I tried to call you. It had been a week. I was worried"

He stared straight ahead at the school logo on the opposite wall, "Why were you worried? You want me to be part of your another stupid plan? You know what next time you plan something like this, keep me out of it"

She frowned, "Why are you making such a big deal out of this? Is it because of the slapping incident? Because that is not going to happen again because she finally left. I am so happy right now. Don't spoil my mood"

His heart sank. He turned to her, "What? When?"

She had a big smile on her face, "The day after that bitch slapped you she left. That is what I wanted to tell you when I called you. But you started avoiding me. I am your girlfriend, I deserve to know what is going on with you. I don't want to fight right now. So, mom says she is staying with her friend but I am sure she had left town. Who could bear her for a week? I pretty sure she left. Without even telling anyone, I guess"

For the last couple of days, he tried to gather courage to talk to her, to ask for an apology. He was relieved that she took off. The hazel brown eyes which melted into the golden sun rays forming an ellipse, the smile which was as innocent as a child but hid the storm inside and the sweet voice which was like angel's songs. He couldn't get her out of his mind. He stood up, "I have to go"

Zara took his hand saying, "No, we have to practice. We have to practice for the auditions"

He grumbled, "Zara, I don't have time for this"

She pouted, "Baby, I know we will be selected for the Annual Performance but we have to give this stupid audition. I don't know why the hell they are having this auditions stuff. We all know that you and I will be the perfect representatives of the school"

Defeated, he shrugged, "I'll be there in practice but right now I have to go."

He walked out of the school when he found his best friend, Nicholas sitting on his car's hood. He was a tall, well-built boy with golden blond side fringes hair with almond shaped eyes and full lips. He wore the school jersey over a white shirt and a pair of cargo pants. Walking over to him, Ayaan called out, "Hey man"

He smiled, "Hey, Mr. Invisible Man. Where have you been?"

Ayaan shrugged, "Gone out for couple of days"

"I would have joined you. I know you don't want Zara to know about your trips but we are a team. You could have asked me" he jumped off the hood. Ayaan shook his head, "It was not that kind of trip. I needed to clear my head"

Nicholas put his hand on his shoulder, "What do you need to clear? Talk to me"

Ayaan sighed, "Next time, I just need to get out of this place"

He got in his car. While he was getting the seat-belt, Nicholas got in the adjacent seat. He smirked, "Well, I am not going to leave you alone. You really need to talk to someone and right now, I am your best shot"

Nicholas and Ayaan met each other in Junior High when they wrestled each other over a girl who dumped both of them. They had been best friends ever since. They were Han Solo and Chewbacca of the school and won school many games with the on-point sync. Nicholas knew what Ayaan was feeling. Even though, he missed that day of school, he knew what people saw and he also knew what people didn't see. He sighed, "My dad and I had the talk again"

Ayaan parked the car near an abandoned building. Tightening the grip on wheel, he said, "We have the future talk every time he is in town"

Nicholas suggested, "You know I read somewhere boxing is great for anger management"

"I am not angry on anyone"

"Then why are you squeezing the wheel like you want to break it in pieces?"

"Whatever I did was right, I don't want your lecture about that. I did it for Zara. I can't see her sad. So, I did what she asked. But..."

"But now you think what you did was not right? And I wasn't going to lecture you about anything. It is past now. Stop thinking about that girl"

Nicholas furrowed his eyebrows, "Do you have feelings for this girl? Was she hot?"

"No, she was not your type" he looked over at his friend, "Also, I don't have feelings for anyone other than my girlfriend"

Nicholas shrugged, "Well, you can't do anything about it now. That is the way life is. Also, if you ever come across her in future, just apologize to her. That is the best you can do now"

Ayaan shook his head, "AK never apologizes to anyone"

Nicholas replied, "But Ayaan does because he is a good person. Oh, it is like you have two different personalities. So, get over the stupid ego of AK and do what is right"

Ayaan laughed, "AK is definitely not buying you a drink but clearly needs a distraction. Where to?"

Nicholas shrugged, "Anywhere"

Ayaan turned on the ignition and drove away.

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