Chapter 21

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"What is this color? I love it" Charlotte asked taking running her hands through Inaaya's hair who was brunette again. She had a Marvel-skater skirt with simple black top and red sneakers. She replied taking out her book, "It is my natural color which was chocolate brown with medium ash brown. I don't remember what Ryan did. But he said it is close to my original hair"

Charlotte nodded, "You look good. He is the best"

Inaaya agreed. Charlotte swirled around saying, "I am going to class. Don't miss me"

Inaaya smiled as she saw her best friend vanish around the corner. Last few weeks brought them closer. Although, Inaaya had moved back to her parent's house where Vanilla had a goodnight sleep in her bed, they talked on phone for hours. Charlotte and Vanilla were best friends too. Smiling to herself, she turned around and bumped into someone. The books fell on ground. She bent to pick them up and noticed the guy gathering his stuff. He had square-shaped spectacles on his nose and wore a Flash t-shirt. His light brown hair looked messy. She apologized, "I am so sorry. I didn't see you coming"

He lifted his head and smiled, "No, it is completely fine. I am a very clumsy person"

She laughed, "I am clumsy myself"

When they got on their feet, he asked, "Do you just wear their stuff or do you actually read the comics?"

She looked at her skirt laughing, "I do read comics"

He rubbed back of his neck, "Would you like to go the bookstore down the street? They have the new edition of the 'Spiderman' series."

She smilingly nodded, "I would love to"

"I should go. I am late" he said before walking away. She blushed walking towards her Calculus class. She had her way blocked by Ayaan who was watching her for a long time. She tried to walk past him, "Get out of my way"

"I like that you are back. I never liked those silver hair" he smirked. She shook her head, "Don't do that. Don't come near me, talk to me and don't even try to flirt with me with that charming smile. You and I are through. I don't want anything to do with you."

He bit lower lip, "You find my smile charming"

She rolled her eyes, "I am tired of your games. Please, I am late"

He stepped aside saying, "I am also late because of you"

"You are late because you wanted to stare at me which grosses me out" she hugged her book tightly as she walked. He laughed, "I was not staring I was checking you out"

She gasped, "That is offensive"

"No, it's not" he replied. Stopping in front of their classroom, she said, "You checking me out is offensive to me"

He opened the door of classroom for her with a big smile and followed her in.

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