Chapter 63

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Ethan, who was watching Ayaan and Inaaya from the other end of the room, rushed out of the cafeteria fuming with anger. He kicked off the grass and screamed when he reached the ground. Zara got concerned about him. She put her hand on his shoulder saying, "It is okay. Everything is fine"

He turned around. She could see fire in his eyes. His face had turned red with his breaths getting faster. He held her by her arms saying, "What is wrong with me? Why can't she see that I love her more than him? He is an ass who got lucky. He doesn't deserve her. She is too good for him"

She could feel his nails digging in her skin. She cried, "Ethan you are hurting me. Leave me"

With a jerk, she pushed him back. He took her hand and pulled her closer saying, "You wanted us to pretend we are in a relationship. So, let's show them. Let's go and make out in front of the school"

She shook her head as she jerked off his grip, "No, I am not going to do anything with you. Just leave me alone"

He tried to catch her but she walked away. She heard him scream her name and throw his bag on the ground.


Inaaya walked into the bathroom with a big smile on her face. She kept thinking about the look on Ayaan's face when he asked her for the Winter Formal. All of a sudden, she noticed Zara crying near the sink. She walked up to her asking, "What happened?"

She wiped away her tears and started adjusting her hair. Inaaya noticed bruises on her arms. She grabbed her hand asking, "Who did this to you?" Zara didn't reply. "Zara. Are you okay? Tell me. How did it happen?"

Zara stepped back snapping, "Why do you care? You can go and live on your fairytale life where you get everything. Every other guy is going crazy for you. Ayaan is bringing your dog to school, buying you gifts and planning stuff for you which he never did for me. Ethan is being a jealous psycho. He was never like that. You ruin all the good things for me Inaaya. Why can't you stop being in my life and causing problems every time damn time that I am happy!"

She walked past her. Inaaya stood there in disbelief. She had never thought Ethan would do anything like that. Even though her sister was mean but she was never weak. She fought to have the upper-hand but this broke her. She could see that.

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