Chapter 61

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After a week, the school started preparing for another big event, the Winter Formals. The colors of the school Yellow and Blue could be identified in the decorations. Zara Nanda was assigned the management of the dance. She wanted this dance to be a success. But there was a hidden agenda behind taking all these responsibilities. She wanted to avoid Ethan. It all started weeks ago, when they went to the 'Beans' coffee shop to try the new flavors introduced by them. While doing their homework, Ethan took sip of his third drink which was Chocolate-Vanilla Latte. She was having her Coconut-Mocha Iced coffee. She asked him to explain a question to her which he explained in an easy way. She was staring at him. His hair glowed in the sunlight while his grey eyes had a hint of gold in them. She wondered why she never saw how beautiful he was. His dorky dressing made him different than other guys. Her lips curved in a little smile when she observed his round lips. He glanced up asking, "Are you okay?"

She nodded before turning her attention to her notebook. The booth was small because of which their legs would brush against. His touch had never made her have goose-bumps but today, a simple brush of a hand against hers would make her heart beat faster. It was all new for her. Her stomach had a strange feeling when they got in the car and he helped her with the seat-belt. She could feel herself letting out a breath of relief when he went back to driving. Stuffing those feelings in, she busied herself in arranging the Winter Formal

She was ordering two boys to put up sign correctly Ethan came up to her. He greeted her with a smiled, "Hey"

She ignored him continued giving instructions to the boys. She adjusted her hair and stepped a little back to avoid brushing her arm with his. He asked, "Want to go out tonight?"

She shook her head, "I am busy"

He adjusted his glasses, "Okay, call me when you are free"

He was going to walk away but he came back asking, "Will you come to dance with me?"

She nodded going through at her notebook, "Yeah, okay"

When he left, she hugged the notebook with a smile on her face. She could feel her heart doing somersaults. She glanced at him as he walked out of the gym.

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