~ Chapter Thirty-Three: With You ~

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"Remember! I'll be home at four! Then we can go on our date!" James called over his shoulder, "I'll see you soon!" I quickly ran and kissed his cheek, wrapping my hands around his neck, "Have a good day." He tightly squeezed back, then left our shared home. I sighed happily and wrapped my arms around my waist, smiling gently as I watched James place his suitcase into the passenger seat, the make his way into the drivers seat, and drive off. Once he was gone from my sight, I giggled and opened the closet door. "Have a good day~!" Chase mocked in a girly voice. I shoved his shoulder playfully, "Shut upppp." He chuckled and ran into the living, jumping onto the couch, "Oh, James!" He mocked, throwing his hand onto his forehead, "I just love you so much!" "We don't use the "L" word..." I muttered as I sat next to him. He looked at me for a second, then quickly turned back to look at the blank TV screen. I twisted Chase's promise ring around my ring finger, staring down at my lap, "We don't really love each other, I guess...I don't know how to explain it..." He nodded knowingly. I coughed awkwardly, "Do you want something to drink? Or some food?" Chase chuckled and rubbed my head, "I can get it myself, Hipster." I hesitantly nodded and relaxed in my seat. I looked at the clock then at Chase, who was rummaging through the pantry, "We should go grab some drinks." He slightly gave me a concerned look, "When? What about your date with James-" I giggled and rolled my eyes, "We need to go out and party! Fuck James!" "(Y/N)...where is this coming from...?" He scarily asked. I gave him an offense look, "Oh really? The alcoholic can drink WHENEVER he wants, but when I want to, No! It's a crime-" "Fuck it, get ready. But don't blame me if we get in trouble." He grumbled.
           I awkwardly stood, legs locked together, breathing unsteady. Chase pulled two stools out and looked at me, the brown hair peeking out of his gray hoodie almost covering his blue eyes. He was clearly amused...and concerned. He gently grabbed my hand and pulled me to the stool, placing me onto it. He sat next to me, chuckling, "Breath woman. It's just a bar." "Y-Yeah, I know." I giggled softly. Chase turned the to bartender and smirked, "The usual. And the miss will..." Chase eyes me up and down, "a VK Apple and Mango." The bartender widened his eyes and chuckled, turning away and heading to the back room. I worriedly looked at Chase, "What's that?" "A beverage." He said simply. I was the handed a green bottle, it looked pretty innocent. Chase grabbed his glass of whiskey and gulped it without question. He looked at me, "Well come on now, are you going to look at it, or drink it?" I shook myself from my trance and slowly drank some of the beverage, it was....bitter. I puckered up my face and pushed the bottle away, "Nope. I don't like it." Chase chuckled and took the bottle, the drinking the rest. The bartender then handed me another drink. It was clear, in a slim, small glass.  Chase gulped the rest of my old drink and pointed at my glass, "You've got to drink all of that at once. No sipsys." I nodded timidly and brought the glass to my lips, throwing my head back as the liquid slightly burned my throat. I choked and gently placed the glass down, holding my throat, "Was that acid?!" "Nope." The bartender chuckled, "Tequila." I looked at the glass, then at Chase, smiling, "I like it..." Chase placed some twenty's on the bar, "Let's do some shots for the young lady."
~ Chase's Perspective ~
            I watched (Y/N) carefully as she slammed the glass onto the bar, giggling, "Let's do another round!" Yep. She's clearly drunk. I smiled gently and grabbed her hand, "Sweetheart, I think your finished." She gave me a sad, drunken glaze, "I'm not even d-drunk." I chuckled and pulled her up from her seat. She collapsed into my chest, clutching onto my jacket. My face burned red. (Y/N) giggled and pushed herself away, "Someone's flustered." She drunken staggered out of the bar, swaying all over the place. I quickly grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers as she lightly rested her head on my shoulder. I pulled her as close as I could to my chest as she sang some silly nursery rhymes. I chuckled and sang along with her. She's so cute.
                                                       "Why did we have to break up...?"
            She muttered quietly. I slowly looked down at her, cocking my head to the side. What did she say? "I was so happy....so loved." She whimpered, "I had everything I could ever want...and now it's all gone." "You've got James. You love James-" "I don't." She interrupted, "I don't love him..." She slowly looked at me, tears dripping down her face, "I love you, Chase..." She suddenly stopped and stood in front of me, wrapping her arms around my torso, "Please don't leave me...not again..." "I p-promise..." I muttered, "I'll never leave..." Suddenly, her lips were on mine.  Shock ran through my body, this isn't right, this isn't right...but it is...it's perfect. I leaned into the kiss, cupping her warm cheek. She's perfect. She pulled away and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I'm so tired of missing you..." I smiled gently and picked her up, carrying her back to her home. "C-Chase..." She mumbled, "Take me home...with you..." Before I could argue, her gentle breathing filled my ears as she slept soundly.  Home it is then.

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